For the Chhetri sisters, their pioneering endeavour is changing the face of tourism in Nepal.
The ensemble of buildings at Greenwich symbolize English artistic and scientific endeavour in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Most of the time speechwriting is a more prosaic endeavour, writing for moments that are humdrum.
Endeavour must also be stacked and ready for an Earth radar-mapping mission in September.
Nasa is hoping the payload inside Endeavour for its final mission will deliver equally astonishing science.
"I will endeavour to maintain the same high standard he has set, " she said.
And Inverness were rewarded for their endeavour with a well-worked goal five minutes before the break.
Again, the wheels of justice only began to move as a result of journalistic endeavour.
The shuttles Discovery, Columbia and Endeavour are in their hangars -- known as Orbital Processing Facilities.
But Lara's latest endeavour - on PC and PlayStation formats - could still face tough competition.
"I issued the activation order for Operation Joint 0253 local time, " he told reporters Saturday.
CNN: NATO commander ready to guide Operation Joint Endeavour
After Endeavour's flight there are only 11 shuttle flights before the orbiters are retired.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Endeavour launched from Florida
There were simply not nearly enough competent people to oversee such a huge endeavour.
Mr Abbas said the endeavour was: "aimed at trying to breathe new life into the negotiations".
The 'Endeavour' is tentatively scheduled to rendezvous with the Space Station on December 6.
Endeavour originally was scheduled to land on Monday at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
One, Endeavour, is in the Vehicle Assembly Building being prepped for launch on November 29.
Never has an area of human endeavour been restricted to so few for so long.
The Prince seems genuinely enthusiastic about helping to boost East London as a centre of hi-tech endeavour.
They record an epoch before the Endeavour impact when there was aqueous activity at a near-neutral pH.
The problem came to light during Endeavour's ride "uphill" in the penultimate month of the last millennium.
The FPC will tackle systemic risk and endeavour to stop banks lending too much to inappropriate institutions.
Endeavour's mission is an important moment for the European Space Agency's (Esa) contribution to the station project.
HTC's launched a new flagship handset for Mobile World Congress 2012, the HTC One X -- codenamed Endeavour.
But Ethiopia is not alone in this endeavour of trying to keep the memory of a fallen hero.
This document, a joint endeavour of the entire UN System, was adopted by Member States in July 2012.
And the players fed off that, showing constant endeavour and creating a series of chances on the counter-attack.
The final orbiter to launch before the whole fleet goes into retirement will be Endeavour on 31 May, 2010.
With the Inquisition frequently breathing down her neck and excommunications flying to and fro, it was no easy endeavour.
Endeavour Silver Corp shares are currently trading down about 2.1% on the day.
FORBES: Endeavour Silver (EXK) Shares Enter Oversold Territory