"I will endeavour to maintain the same high standard he has set, " she said.
The FPC will tackle systemic risk and endeavour to stop banks lending too much to inappropriate institutions.
Smart businesses always endeavour to strengthen the loyalty of their most lucrative customers.
Like his newspaper, Mr Frankel can be over-earnest and he sometimes leans too far backwards in an endeavour to be fair.
Lunch at L'Osteria is done with 50% locals, 50% tourists and 100% occupancy, so endeavour to arrive as near to noon as possible.
Instead, he will endeavour to understand what it was about Barclays' culture and business practices that allowed those sins to be committed.
In a desperate but ultimately successful endeavour to survive in an unforgiving environment, various former subsidiaries went in search of new sponsors.
FORBES: Stephen Holmes and Putinism: Missing the Forest for the Trees
Wednesday's leg took Endeavour to Houston, with flyovers along Florida's Space Coast, Stennis Space Center in Mississippi and the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans.
We could also endeavour to identify and support the technological measures necessary to meet the threat, which would complement rather than undercut the Kyoto protocol.
One big insurance company has already said it would endeavour to keep some of the popular provisions intact: but it might not be able to.
It will endeavour to become even less reliant on wholesale funding.
They will endeavour to learn as much as they can about the alleged interception and deletion of messages left for Miss Dowler by talking to the police tomorrow.
But the bands of brothers and sisters who endeavour to produce literature, and often have a toe in the academic world, have too much in common to stay apart.
Scottish Labour MSP Claudia Beamish said to combat climate change required a common endeavour to help all the most vulnerable on earth and she welomed the Climate Justice Fund.
"There is an expectation, given the current economic climate and budget shortfalls, that the SBC will endeavour to ensure that best value is secured for the site, " he said.
After his doomed endeavour to resist the French army that had come to crush the Roman republic and restore the pope, his stature grew, especially in liberal Protestant England.
He said that the strategy would look at barriers faced by people who wanted to use the Welsh language at work and would endeavour to make Wales a truly bilingual nation.
"Where an assessment centre isn't on the ground floor, as is the case with Luton, we endeavour to make this clear to people before they arrive for their appointment, " a spokesperson said.
"Until somebody really sits down and seriously addresses the mechanism and not inferences from the mechanism... it doesn't seem a useful endeavour to use behavioural responses as an argument, " he told BBC News.
But what that tells you is that there is an element of windfall in the remuneration of the pay of some of these chief executives - which a sensible remuneration system would presumably endeavour to minimise.
So by the time Australia came to Cardiff, Wales had put in one brave effort against a major team (NZ), produced a disappointing display in the win against Samoa and relied on a few flashes of individual endeavour to beat Argentina.
Other planks of their new approach would be to make sure that a bank's critical services continue to operate in a crisis, to endeavour to insulate foreign operations, to shrink the bits of the bank that caused the problems, and to sack culpable management.
To put it another way, is it right that those who already feel guilty about their environmental impact and endeavour to minimise their waste have to stand by and watch their neighbours drive to Tesco in their 4x4 and fly off to Prague on long weekends - thus undermining all the their good work?
This book, which describes the descendants of a civilisation that has converted the material in its planets into a giant ringlike structure around its sun, was inspired by Freeman Dyson's idea that a truly technologically advanced species would endeavour to capture as much light as possible by building a spherical shell around its central star.
ECONOMIST: Is it time for a new approach to finding extraterrestrials?
Liverpool were level minutes later, Fowler clipping home his 31st League Cup goal behind his legs from Luis Garcia's cross-shot, but Arsenal's youthful pace and endeavour continued to cause the Reds all sorts of problems and the outcome was beyond doubt before half time.
The signpost, just a few years old, was chipped at the edges to make it look as if it was something Davy Crockett may have used, and the names carved upon it encapsulated the heroic human endeavour necessary to chart the world before satellites made this task obsolete.
BBC: Why modern maps put everyone at the centre of the world