That is very commendable, but they have had to endure four days of a very public trial.
BBC: Sentencing remarks on Stuart Hazell from Mr Justice Nicol
But he expressed sympathy for her ability to endure her time on the stand.
CNN: Arias trial jury foreman calls decision 'gut-wrenching'
In other words, another jumped-up gearhead that management ignores and the rank and file endure.
These children and the many adults who endure similar misfortune are worthy of our attention, and our charity.
How come every time a system breaks down, we citizens are made to endure more?
Mr. Page didn't appear to endure Wednesday's proceedings as well as he had the previous day.
It is work to die, to know how to approach and endure life's last moments.
Still, no American athletes endure the kind of climate extremes that pro football players do.
And even during the country's time of incredible strife, its culinary traditions endure and comfort.
"The women and young men had to endure appalling living conditions, " the report found.
For peace to endure, Arabs and Israelis must know the calm of a normal life.
Both trends are likely to endure and grow in almost any economy short of Great Depression.
Assess your risk tolerance-how much pain can you endure before you abandon your plan.
Now, to succeed through failure, you have to be willing to endure some public humiliation.
People living with HIV and AIDS have to endure prejudice born out of ignorance and fear.
This ponderous and beautifully-shot film will endure long after this list has turned to dust.
With each passing day, and each passing week it becomes harder for Syrians to endure.
The cavalier attitude toward marital commitment has diminished how much difficulty couples are willing to endure.
He had to endure the indignity of the fly-off, and even then Xerox management remained skeptical.
Saves the ones he loves from painful last images that might endure for a lifetime.
Will the COIN capability actually provide the sufficiency to endure as we go forward?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review
But this practice is unlikely to endure now that BHP has abandoned the deal.
That was a humiliation the proud Summers would probably endure only under presidential orders.
When I visited India in 2005, I was marked by the harsh conditions that orphans endure.
The political fault lines of the 1912 elections endure to this day as well.
And folks like Bojan and Sanda simply refuse to endure a fourth winter under siege.
Precisely at a time like this one must stand fast and endure the situation.
It went on to endure the constant glare of media attention, once both became international celebrities.
Allow the most powerful group to endure, the theory goes, and you can do real even profitable journalism.
He had to endure lectures on human rights during bilateral meetings with European leaders.