But, he says, her conservative principles enduringly shifted the U.K. to a free-market posture.
WSJ: Thatcher's Economic Overhauls Still Debated
It was the turning point that put Mr. Parker enduringly on the wine map.
WSJ: Drinking With Robert M. Parker Jr. | On Wine
Douglas Adams died in 2001, having written five of the enduringly popular Hitchhiker books - still inaccurately dubbed a trilogy.
BBC: And another thing...
The other was that women should be put into men's clothes safari outfits, smoking jackets, trench coats and, most enduringly, trouser suits.
ECONOMIST: Yves Saint Laurent, couturier, died on June 1st, aged 71
But, quietly and enduringly, it left its mark on Britain, too.
ECONOMIST: Thirty years after the Falklands war
If you did, you may never forget Robert Walker's enduringly creepy turn as Bruno, the cooing psychopath who enmeshes Farley Granger's Guy in his you-murder-mine, I'll-murder-yours web.
FORBES: A dark view
The anchor tenants that set norms encouraging the free flow of ideas and collaboration, even with competitors, produced enduringly successful communities, while those that mainly sought to dominate did not.
NEWYORKER: The Cost Conundrum
It was said to be enduringly blissful.
ECONOMIST: Ashok Kumar, a star of India, died on December 10th, aged 90