Trouble is new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not signed on to the two-state solution and is trying to fend off this pressure, even suggesting Israel won't engage with the Palestinians until the United States takes care of Iran.
CNN: Amanpour: Obama's 100 days of foreign affairs
Health care bosses said they would "engage with other groups to create alternative proposals that would be more sustainable in the long-term".
BBC: Demands over why Clevedon hospital plan scrapped
The participants, who believe they are writing for the next generation of incoming freshmen -- an audience many of them relate to and care about -- begin to engage with the material and use it to reflect on their own experiences, ultimately coming to the conclusion that no matter how bad they feel, they are not alone.
CNN: The importance of belonging
They relate to and engage with the audience unlike a past generation of reporters who could care less what readers thought (after all, what do they know?).
FORBES: Connect