The features provided by its Hopper DVR are not default features and a viewer has to engage with the system in order to record primetime shows and watch them ad-free.
Independence came, or was won as in Algeria, and the ruling class in the Muslim world made a bid to establish political order and engage with tasks that Smith described.
And he added that Labour needed "to be a different type of political party" in order to better engage with younger people, who he believed were "entering politics in a different way" and that it needs to have clearer policies on areas like welfare and immigration.
Speaking to BBC Radio Ulster's Sunday Sequence programme, Mr Rea said that the Orange Order and the Garvaghy Road residents should engage with one another to find a solution.
"Now we have seen a constructive and welcome move from the local Orange Order in Portadown saying that they will engage with the Parades Commission and with local residents, something which hitherto they have absolutely refused to do, " he said.
In order to estimate, you had to think about and engage with the math behind exponents and square roots.
In order to recruit voters online, candidates must appear to engage with potential supporters on a far more personal level, on their terms, in their environment.
"I know that I have a job to engage the public with the policy of PCCs over the next eight weeks in order to persuade people to get out and vote, " he said.
BBC: Do voters really want to choose their police commissioner?
This sounds like a challenge to the Orange Order, whose Grand Lodge policy remains not to engage in dialogue with Sinn Fein.
This transformation of thinking and working is required in order to access the significant benefits of truly remaking how we engage with the market.
Are we talking about leaders resigning or their government dissolving in order for the President to be satisfied that the Israelis should in fact engage with this Palestinian government?
The workshop specifically aimed to equip community media groups in Kenya with the professional skills to produce and disseminate local content in order to inform and engage community members in debates concerning issues of community and national importance within their locality.