On the far side is a valley engulfed with ice, which disappears from view between the crags.
Remembering the day her home was engulfed with water, Mrs Williams said the alarm was raised at about 07:00 GMT by postmen.
But with Florida engulfed by a political wildfire, partisan flames are already flaring in the Senate.
Scepticism was understandable, since an even deadlier wave of rainwater mixed with sewage engulfed the city last winter, prompting another investigation and promised cures.
Who among those of us who are lucky enough to be insured against illness would not like to be able to understand, in advance, what it is likely to cost us out-of-pocket should we find ourselves engulfed in a battle with cancer or some other unpleasant medical experience?
FORBES: Health Insurers Say Telling Truth On Costs Is Just Too Expensive
As politicians became engulfed in the scandal, with allegations that ministers acted improperly in their dealings with News Corp.
Inside, a woman with a microphone stood engulfed in cigarette smoke.
The ETF broke below its 50-day MA with a big red bar that engulfed all of its gains from the last few weeks.
He needs to avoid falling into the same, trap that engulfed Nokia, a company that became too comfortable with its worldwide success and neglected the need to innovate ahead of rival smartphone makers.
"With 'European fatigue' now having engulfed the market, investors are treading cautiously when it comes to their exposure to risk assets and risk currencies, " Stan Shamu, a market analyst at IG Markets, wrote in a note to clients.
Both were engulfed in flames and CCTV recorded Dean leaving the scene with his jacket on fire.
The striker, who has netted 22 Serie A goals in his first season since signing from Genoa, screamed with delight and could not stop running before being engulfed by joyous team mates.
And they wore it well, with their designer suits that barely were ruffled when they each engulfed Roger Goodell in the now traditional bear hugs between draftee and commissioner.
But the fact is that the world is changing so fast that the reality we are dealing with - mass migration, organised crime, ASB - has engulfed systems designed for a time gone by.