Mr. DICKSON: It asked--the first question asked, is the patient eligible to enroll in Medicaid?
It's money for community health centers to help enroll uninsured people into the exchanges.
He won by a 23% margin among voters 18-29--just the people who need to enroll.
Encourage your workers to enroll in the plan and teach them how to use it.
Today, public colleges enroll almost fifteen million students, private colleges fewer than six million.
In addition, students who enroll in college take on more debt to stay there.
With additional funding from the Social Innovation Fund, the program aims to enroll 500 more people.
Parents who enroll their children in private schools can expect to pay substantially more.
You can ponder all this if you enroll in Smiley Sitton's Outlaw Driving School in Dallas.
These schools also make it more difficult for non-motivated parents to enroll their children.
But she bolted India in 1978 to enroll in America's Yale School of Management.
This legislation permitted employers to automatically enroll their employees in employer-sponsored retirement savings plans.
First, during this time period, you may enroll in a plan that includes Medicare Part D.
Women applying for housing are required to enroll in the group's employment and training program.
This is the qualification foreigners need to enroll alongside local undergraduates at a Chinese university.
ECONOMIST: The craze for teaching Chinese may be a misguided fad
Additionally, we are able to facilitate the opportunity for families to enroll in English classes.
More enroll every day, and Mary Laurie is there in the halls shooing them to class.
To enroll in a private junior high school, Emma must compete with other children.
Some 97% of school-age children enroll, though over half drop out before completing secondary school.
ECONOMIST: A better education system calls for more than money
But many of those who might like to enroll may not have the option.
The result is that the best recruits often enroll in college for just one season.
Eighty-three percent of students who enroll cite their campus visit as the greatest influence on their decision.
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The U.S. Government is joining the national text4baby coalition in its goal to enroll 1 million moms.
Over time these small successes will enroll others and help fix the big issue by enrolling others.
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Every school that extends offers of admission hopes that as many admitted students as possible will enroll.
Advice was varied when I mentioned my desire to enroll in a well-known non-fiction creative writing class.
There are just six days left for Medicare beneficiaries to enroll in the new prescription drug plan.
With aggressive outreach, state officials hope to enroll more than 2.5 million children in the next 18 months.
CNN: Clinton kicks off campaign to insure children under Medicaid
Simply put, young women are now more likely to enroll in, and graduate from, college than young men.
Because if you are interested in insurance and the health insurance exchange, you've got to enroll in October.