Hope comes from Equatorial Guinea in West Africa, Marathon's biggest and most lucrative upstream venture.
The majority are found in Cameroon, Central African Republic, west Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Angola.
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The report focuses on five countries - Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan and Nauru.
ExxonMobil also inherited an image problem in Equatorial Guinea, where Mobil obtained concessions in the mid-1990s.
Russia, Kazakhstan, Angola, Chad and Equatorial Guinea have plenty of oil, but good luck getting it.
The rest are from countries as far afield as the US and Equatorial Guinea.
In Equatorial Guinea it quietly negotiated official American support while keeping its own corporate head down.
SIVs come from a sub-species that lives mainly in Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
Angola is just one of several promising but politically unstable--and often violent--regions like Kazakhstan and Equatorial Guinea.
Mr Yayi has been out of the country, visiting Equatorial Guinea for an international summit in February.
Triton's Ceiba-1 well off Equatorial Guinea came in a gusher, flowing more than 12, 000 barrels a day.
Mann is being held at the notorious Black Beach prison in Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea.
Some countries praised for their breakneck economic growth, such as Angola and Equatorial Guinea, are oil-sodden kleptocracies.
"Every energy company doing business in Equatorial Guinea is being investigated, " says Janet Clark, Marathon's chief financial officer.
Congo's has a catanga cross (a large copper cross), while Equatorial Guinea has a pair of cowrie shells.
In Equatorial Guinea, controversy has arisen over payments by oil companies into an account in a private US bank.
The editor of news magazine Africa Confidential, Patrick Smith, described the judicial system in Equatorial Guinea as "ad hoc".
The clause was invoked most memorably for Eric "the Eel" Moussambani, a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea, in the 2000 Olympics.
Some analysts had suggested that Mann was released because he posed a security risk, but Equatorial Guinea's ambassador rejected this.
The corruption watchdog Transparency International has put Equatorial Guinea in the top 12 of its list of most corrupt states.
The oil revenues of Equatorial Guinea, where three-quarters of the population live below the poverty line, are a state secret.
ECONOMIST: Africa, oil and the West: Show us the money | The
Not quite four decades, more like four days after that Equatorial Guinea-Senegal game, but I know where you're coming from Mustafa.
His parents are from Equatorial Guinea and soon after his birth the family moved to Spain, where he started his career.
Production from the Ceiba field off the coast of Equatorial Guinea is expected to hit 52, 000 barrels a day by year-end.
The Zebras qualified for Gabon and Equatorial Guinea with two matches to spare - at home to Malawi and away to Togo.
Equatorial Guinea analyst Antony Goldman told the BBC that friends of Mann had been hinting of his possible release for several weeks.
The third accomplice is thought to be in hiding in Equatorial Guinea.
Equatorial Guinea has never even played in the Cup of Nations before.
The South African government says it has not yet received a formal extradition request but Equatorial Guinea has asked to interview Mr Thatcher.
Equatorial Guinea, an oil-rich former Spanish colony, has been ruled by President Teodoro Obiang since he seized power from his uncle in 1979.