Col Kittinger has worked on all aspects of the programme for the past four years, from the design of the equipment to developing skydiving techniques with Mr Baumgartner.
Firms there have installed numerous Italian looms, as well as developing equipment of their own, but the finest cashmere clothes still come from Biella.
Another equipment manufacturer, Sinoma, acquired a 40 percent global share in the cement equipment market by helping developing countries to build their cement-production capability.
Officials, however, are sceptical as to whether Delhi and Moscow can really shift their relationship from the prevailing unequal one of a buyer and seller of military hardware to jointly developing defence equipment and marketing it globally.
The only Scottish winner in the innovation category was Aberdeenshire-based Zenith Oilfield Technology for developing well surveillance equipment which has contributed significantly to increasing oil production worldwide.
Developing and selling communications equipment requires a significant capital, and Silver Spring will need more money to support its expansion and compete more effectively.
FORBES: Silver Spring Networks Files IPO For Smart Grid Tech
Developing Donlin Creek means barging equipment up the Kuskokwim River, navigable only six months of the year.
But engineers were fast developing new floating platforms and undersea equipment to exploit these deeper reserves.
The money raised goes towards building facilities, developing new treatments and providing the best equipment and support to the patients and families.
As well as cameras, Olympus also makes medical equipment and the new company will focus on "developing a variety of new medical devices that would not be possible by Olympus alone", such as endoscopes used in keyhole surgery.
Analysts expect the company will make most of its money by developing and licensing its technology companies building RFID equipment.
But ultimately these devices may have a bigger role in developing countries, where full-size medical equipment is in short supply but smartphones are becoming common.
This same friend brought the three of us together in a company he had founded that was, among other things, focused on developing maintenance manuals and assembly instructions for capital equipment.
Monitoring equipment is becoming cheaper and easier to use: Philips is developing an app which uses the camera in an iPad2 to measure heart and respiration rates.
Wolf Heiztechnik of Bavaria is developing a contract under which it sells temperature control rather than heating equipment.