Cuando el perdedor es el protagonista de una justa deportiva, se trata de un personaje especial.
De ellos, 70 recibieron entrenamiento especial, incluidos cinco ponys -caballos miniatura- que usaron los hobbit.
Muchos otros, en especial aquellos que viven en regiones alejadas, se han mostrado interesados en el curso.
Where I take especial issue is in the assertion that killing of innocent creatures for sport is justifiable.
The ability of small and medium sized firms to access the public equity markets is the especial concern of Weild and Kim.
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En especial, porque es la autoridad municipal la que regula los espacios urbanos donde es posible poner en marcha distritos o clusters creativos.
As we approached the first of two military checkpoints on the Mexican side of the border I saw a massive Modelo Especial billboard.
FORBES: Political Risk Analysis: Guatemala and Mexico's OTHER Border
Contribuyente de las causas humanitarias, ha sido embajador especial de la UNESCO y donado varios millones de sus ganancias a organizaciones alrededor del mundo.
The families who come are in the mood for entertainment and, to advertisers' especial delight, they are nowhere near their TiVos (ad-skipping remote controls).
Rioters swept through Bristol, Liverpool, Nottingham and, with especial vehemence, Birmingham.
El thangka, arte de pintar rollos religiosos en honor de Buda, consiste en aplicar con un cepillo especial colores naturales a tejidos con motivos trazados al carboncillo.
El comunicado final hizo un llamado especial por una mayor flexibilidad en las tasas de cambio, pero oponiendo esta virtud al vicio de la "volatilidad" de la moneda.
Cleared at the checkpoint, with the hot sun setting over the mountains, I stopped at a gas station to buy two Modelo Especial beers to drink in the car.
FORBES: Political Risk Analysis: Guatemala and Mexico's OTHER Border
El caso cubano sigue siendo especial, pues aunque los torneos de la isla mantienen un alto nivel competitivo, sus participantes no tienen permitido probar suerte en el campo profesional.
BBC: Mundo | De todo un poco | BBC Deportes | El b��isbol quiere ser mundial
In fact, many liars, especial the most brazen, may actually overcompensate (to prove that they are not lying) by making too much eye contact and holding it too long.
This is an argument that has had especial success in the European Union where such design patents are taken more seriously than they are in many other places.
The Three Herb Elixir (a muddled mix of herbs) is the shining star in the El Roberto Especial refresco (refreshment), which also includes fresh apple juice, lime, cucumber and a kick of tequila -- all for the bargain price (in Sydney terms) of 10 Australian dollars.