There are differences between the two statutes, but for our purposes their essential elements are similar.
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
Dolby Laboratories (NYSE:DLB) is the global leader in technologies that are essential elements in the best entertainment experiences.
ENGADGET: Dolby confirms 14 theaters for inaugural screening of Pixar's 'Brave' with Atmos audio
The European Commission is already working on essential elements, such as a system to wind up failed banks.
They really pared down their case and only brought the essential elements.
These are the steps that we are ready to put on record as the essential elements of achieving record sales in 2013.
FORBES: The 5 Sure Keys to Taking Sales to the Stratosphere in 2013
Every business plan should have at least three essential elements, says Tim Berry, founder of Palo Alto Software and Bplans.
In the months before Super Tuesday, on February 5th, the essential elements of the McCain campaign were the Straight Talk and the town-hall meeting.
Extensive peace-building efforts -- including cross-sectarian dialogue, national reconciliation talks and transitional justice structures -- will be essential elements for Syria's long road to peace.
The reality is far more complex, and, properly understood, paints a picture that undermines the basic, essential elements of an antitrust case against the company.
FORBES: Google Antitrust Case Is Built On A Shaky Foundation
It guarantees the essential elements that were necessary to get the Democrats and the Republicans to support it and to get the president to support it.
Now Mr Lukashenka is embroiled in a diplomatic row with the West that captures with almost allegorical perfection the essential elements of his style and policy.
The dance Illinois courts are doing around these cases is puzzling since tort law in most parts of the country is clear on a few essential elements.
FORBES: Illinois Appeals Courts Stem Tide of Asbestos-Conspiracy Cases
His advice encourages investors to seek the benefits of preparation and risk management, the essential elements for investing through this secular bear toward the next secular bull market.
FORBES: Managing Your Retirement Fund In A Secular Bear Market
So these are the essential elements of comprehensive immigration reform.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Though Mr. Bedel sources many of the 800 ingredients in France, he has teamed up with small-scale farms in Argentina, Peru and Paraguay to grow some of the essential elements.
We are agreed with our European partners on the essential elements of a package containing both the benefits if Iran makes the right choice, and the costs if it does not.
And its current plan of action for 2011-14, a 41, 000-word document, includes no mention of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or outpatient commitment, all essential elements in an effective plan for corrective action.
WSJ: E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill
Through the combination of advanced product platforms, a more balanced business and increasingly global opportunities, I believe we have the essential elements in place to achieve mid-teens growth in fiscal year 2012.
FORBES: Monsanto Caps Off Solid Year On Strong Latin American Demand, Shrugs Off SEC Probe
When most executives think about leadership succession, they envision a methodical, pain-staking process, a steady flow of meetings, memos, drafts, and eventually hard documents spelling out the essential elements of executive transition.
FORBES: Vikram Pandit's Abrupt Exit: Was the Citigroup Board Just Doing Its Job?
We have learned, after the pretensions and passementerie of postmodernism, that less can be a relief, and that there may be something close to the divine in the conscientious and beautiful execution of a building's essential elements.
She listed essential elements for passing a health care bill, including making coverage more affordable for middle-class Americans, sustaining the solvency of the Medicare program for senior citizens while eliminating a gap in their prescription drug coverage, no deficit increase and holding insurance companies accountable.
If only Yale would rediscover the essential elements of liberal education, it would be well within its capabilities to protect all students' civil rights while ensuring that the university does not abet the great menace to educational opportunity in our era: the cultivation of an environment hostile to liberty of thought and discussion.
As in all of Mr. Cole's dishes, establishing equilibrium among the various elements is essential.
WSJ: Tyson Cole's Romanesco With Seared Broccolini, Lemon Curd and Quinoa | Slow Food Fast
The ACA includes substance use disorders as one of the ten elements of essential health benefits.
Of course, both elements are essential to a healthy and successful life, and it's the checks and balances between these two systems that ultimately make you you and me me.
Congress must not allow key elements of that essential building block to be eliminated.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 50 Patriot Act supporters warn against Act's lapse
Jobs, collective bargaining, a minimum wage on which people can live, social protection and essential services are the core elements of reducing inequality.
In what can undeniably be called the Digital Age, visual elements are now more essential than ever to presentations of any kind, whether they are a second grade school project, a company-wide meeting, or a crowdfunding campaign.
FORBES: The Digital Age: Why Adding Visuals Will Transform Your Presentation