The second point on which economists take issue with Lord Stern is his estimate of the cost of mitigating climate change.
As a result, property owners were faced with cost increases after the initial estimate of the cost of the works had been notified to them.
That figure represents ReputationDefender's estimate of the cost of clean up.
Increases in the estimated impact of the law on private insurance premiums, along with increases in the estimated cost of health care more generally, have led the Congressional Budget Office to increase its estimate of the budget cost of the law's coverage expansion.
The contractor presents an estimate of the upfront cost of the improvements.
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The Innovation Alliance is particularly concerned about lawmakers' lack of analysis of a recent cost estimate of the House bill by the Congressional Budget Office, just released Tuesday.
In the EIS, the State Department included an estimate of rail prices compared to the cost of pipeline export.
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Armed Forces Minister John Spellar said it was not possible to estimate the cost of re-locating the Defence Aviation Repair Agency (DARA) from St Athan.
And perhaps equally as important is the price, which many estimate is a mere fraction of the cost of building new radio networks from scratch and equipping all officials with new walkie-talkies.
Ask them to be brutally honest about what needs to be fixed, and to estimate the cost of repairs.
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The biggest banks in Italy and Spain generally estimate the cost of borrowing euros for a year at about 1.1%.
For two weeks 20 Bechtelians tried to estimate the cost of repairing roads, airports, hospitals, power plants and waste treatment systems.
On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office released its 2012 estimate on the ten- year projected cost of the Affordable Care Act.
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For privately held companies, the numbers are fairly easy to estimate, at least the cost of goods sold and probably the cost of sale.
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U.S. economic data due for release Friday includes the advance GDP estimate, the employment cost index and the University of Michigan consumer sentiment survey.
The difference between that added cost and your own estimate of the added value is what an economist would call waste.
He had no estimate on the potential cost of the provision in criminal cases.
CNN: AllPolitics - Justice Dept, Hyde Tangle Over Acquitted Defendants' Legal Fees
As a result, market researchers and analysts cannot estimate exactly about the cost of luxurious homes and apartments.
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No one dares estimate the tab for commuter subsidies--or the cost of maintaining a rail bureaucracy, known as the Mid-Region Council of Governments.
This estimate includes the reported average cost of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board and "other" living expenses.
Pulgar-Vidal did not describe the extent of the contamination or estimate what it would cost to clean up.
His firm, and others like it, are starting to turn out computer models that can estimate for an insurance company the cost of a storm even before it happens.
That estimate was based upon cost and revenue projections of the CHRSA, which the study co-author noted that virtually every objective outside analyst found to be overly optimistic.
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They developed country-level data by examining how much property insurance companies bought in each country and then used that to estimate their level of legal exposure, backing out the cost of liability insurance cost from that.
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PwC also didn't finish the audits until the end of September, two months late, at nearly triple the original cost estimate, the suit says.
Rush-hour delays and longer commuting times for people who live near Birmingham Interchange or Euston station in London could result as the volume of traffic is set to increase, and again it is difficult to estimate the precise economic cost, the IEA reasons.
Robbins also created a tax calculator and neo-classical economic model that make it possible to estimate the economic and revenue effects of changes to the tax code based upon how those changes alter the cost of capital and labor.
What worries critics is the absence of any official cost estimate.
In the interest of transparency, the government should require that its regulatory agencies make a genuine effort to estimate and take into account the true economic cost of the thousands of jobs that can be lost from a single regulatory change.
It could be made fairly safe but environmental lobbying multiplied the cost of a pipeline across similar terrain in Alaska to nearly nine times the original estimate.
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