Shuck One, artiste graffeur, fondateur des collectifs de tagueurs et de graffeurs parisien DCM1 et Basal.
The drink originally got its name from a brand of French cognac named Sazerac-de-Forge et Fils.
He attended several events particularly in the Northeast where he's well known - Connecticut, New York, et cetera.
Restoring it is the government's challenge, and not just for the people of the Lot-et-Garonne.
Have you ever actually gone into reading the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26 USC et seq.)?
Holder et al., case number 09-1234, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
FORBES: 10th Circuit Brings Foreign Copyrights Back From The Dead
There's more hiring, which means more confidence, more home buying, more investment, et cetera, et cetera.
In 1997, the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado in Berliner, et al v.
Take a dip of your own into the Jazz Age at L'Antiquaire et la Mode.
WSJ: The Roaring Riviera: A Guide to Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald's C?te d'Azur
Tuesday's winning bid came only several minutes before the auction closed at 4 pm ET.
Les radios communautaires encouragent des dialogues ouverts, une transparence locale et une voix pour les sans-voix.
It said that there are a lot different programs, grants, et cetera, but no overarching strategy.
He has been focused on other issues -- the economy, jobs, national security, Afghanistan, et cetera.
The Supreme Court has granted certiorari in the case of Armour, et al., v.
FORBES: Supreme Court Asked to Answer What's 'Fair' When it Comes to Taxpayers
Sorry Rick (et al) but your whole discussion is based on a straw man argument.
FORBES: The GOP Solution To Health Coverage For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
Canner et al. (2002) used survey data to examine the destination of extracted funds.
Today, at one fellow swoop, pretty chicken et al, Apple changed the game again.
FORBES: Apple's WWDC Announcements: A Lot to Like, but no Death Blow
"The Daulton et al claim that we have misidentified diamonds is false and misleading, " he said.
Auditions publiques sur le clonage humain et la gouvernance internationale - Dr (M.) Carolus B.
The capsule is expected to berth with the station at 7:22 am ET on Wednesday.
Le Japon compte 16 sites du patrimoine mondial, dont 12 culturels et 4 naturels.
You've got until 11:59PM ET on Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 to get your entries in.
ENGADGET: Reminder: nominate your favorite gadgets in the 2009 Engadget Awards!
That is why there is so much going on -- negotiations, conversations, discussions, et cetera.
Les Kirghiz produisent traditionnellement deux types de tapis en feutre: les ala-kiyiz et les chirdaks.
For more political analysis, tune in to " Erin Burnett OutFront" at 7 ET weeknights.
ET, "Abbey Road" had already jumped to No. 21 on the album sales spot.
ET, the time when Flight 93 crashed into the ground after passengers battled with hijackers.
Cade JR, et al. Autism and schizophrenia linked to malfunctioning enzyme for milk protein digestion.
Thanks to Mr DeLay et al, it became a giant giveaway to the old.
If that turns out to be true, then hope it is ET listening, not the Daleks.
ECONOMIST: An argument over whether to send messages to aliens