Its prospective members will include Internet standards bodies such as the EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute, the International Telecommunications Union and the World Wide Web Consortium.
The EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute (ETSI) has confirmed the winning design of the fourth form factor of the SIM card is the design submitted by Apple for the Nano-SIM.
DVB-H, which has been adopted by the EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute (ETSI) as the standard for mobile TV services in Europe, works by beaming a signal to a digital TV receiver, attached to phones.
In a lawsuit in federal court in Philadelphia, TruePosition accuses cellphone-equipment manufacturers LM Ericsson, Qualcomm and Alcatel Lucent of conspiring with the EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute to use the emerging standards for 4G phones to block it from the market.