Following the success of World of Color, ElecTRONica, an interactive evening dance party, launched based off of the success of the TRON: Legacy film.
Edwards, 53, canceled a Tuesday evening house party in Iowa to go with his wife to a doctor's appointment, which his campaign described as a follow-up to a routine test she had Monday.
Now she recalled a more recent fatal evening, another party.
"It's unbelievable to have something so big with my art on it, " Max said Tuesday evening at a launch party for the ship.
Their opposition is set to be expressed at their weekly party meeting Wednesday evening.
It has emerged that the Queen will leave for a weekend away after hosting the wedding day lunchtime reception, giving over Buckingham Palace for William and Kate's black tie party in the evening.
Late in the evening, loading dinner-party dishes into the dishwasher, she remarked to Seth that it was hardly surprising that Joey should be confused about the distinction between children and adults his own mother seemed to suffer from some confusion about which of the two she was.
The principal officers of Mr Davies' constituency party in Caerphilly are also set to meet the AM at 1730 GMT Friday evening to discuss the events - some local party members have already called for his resignation.
The evening before, during the Mehndi party in which the bride and members of her party are adorned with henna designs (an impermanent skin ink) on their hands and feet, David wore a traditional Indian suit.
The evening had been gradually turning into a party in this rather cold aircraft hangar of a hall.
My social media team needed to be back the same evening (and not all in the party is 21 and over yet).
Because Winchell's fearless bellicosity had propelled all of our neighbors outdoors as well, what had begun for us as a cheerful little evening stroll ended as an impromptu block party for everyone.
They take him to a party where everyone is dressed in evening clothes from the nineteen-twenties.
Storry had been hosting a party at his home on the evening of the crash.
Mr Burrows said he was holding a big party at his home on Thursday evening to celebrate the decision.
But Tuesday evening at GQ's 50th-anniversary party at Cedar Lake, a club in Manhattan's popular Meatpacking District, West was surprisingly gracious.
The easiest way to make sure the evening goes well is to enter a dinner party knowing something about the hosts and the guests.
Looking at the three defections from the Democratic Party to the Republican side this evening, all three of them were among the seven Democrats who signed this memorandum of understanding that averted the nuclear showdown earlier this week: Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.
Party leader Margaret Ritchie announced on Thursday evening that she would be stepping down.
On Sunday evening Olmert attacked outgoing Defense Minister (and Labor Party leader) Ehud Barak for his willingness to join the Netanyahu government.
Speaking on BBC Northern Ireland's The View on Thursday evening, Nigel Dodds, DUP, said his party would be taking steps to table a motion in the Northern Ireland Assembly over flying flags at Stormont.
BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly session over flag disturbances
Mr Crosby, who masterminded London Mayor Boris Johnson's re-election and Michael Howard's election campaign in 2005 - urged Tory MPs at Tuesday evening's meeting to focus on selling the party's message and stop airing divisions on social media.
"It was a great party and a great end to a fantastic evening, " said Gill.
It's a message designed to resonate with working-class voters, and the Republican Party's standard-bearer for the evening, Sen.
By Monday evening, with most of the votes counted, the Party of Regions had about 33 percent of the vote.
FORBES: Yanukovych's Party May Be Claiming Victory but Nobody's Fooled
An afternoon garden party at Buckingham Palace will be followed Monday evening by a televised pop concert outside the palace grounds.
She said it was "ironic" that Mr Crosby's plea for party unity was leaked to the media before Tuesday evening's meeting.
In the movie's quirkiest detour he spends most of the evening cruising in a patrol car with two unexpectedly paternal, party-hearty cops (Rogen and Bill Hader).
What made the museum titillating on a recent Friday evening was who was there--people attending a museum party thrown by MatchLive , a new division of