He practices Spanish on Skype and takes cooking lessons at a nearby restaurant every Saturday morning.
I'd keep in touch with the fortunes of my team, Coventry City (don't ask), every Saturday.
Strength coach Scott Cochran pitched in with players almost every Saturday helping families recover and rebuild.
At first we were giving hot food that we cooked to the homeless every Saturday.
Now that, that is not something you see on a Notre Dame football field every Saturday.
Every Saturday night, BBC radio host Charlie Gillett brings the music of the world into his London studio.
And I said to her, 'We go to church and every Saturday night we get our hair washed.
The new reality programme, featuring Olympic diver Tom Daley, is broadcast live from the centre every Saturday night.
Foto Ruta, a new, photo-based city exploration event in Buenos Aires, takes place in a different neighbourhood every Saturday (100 pesos).
More than 100 stallholders gather here every Saturday morning to sell upmarket metropolitan essentials, from champagne to organic bread.
In Italy, Ballando con le Stelle transmits live every Saturday and attracts an audience share of 30 per cent.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Strictly Come Dancing goes global
Ask any member of the Davenport Zither Ensemble, and you'll hear the real reason they get together every Saturday morning.
Stores would close nearly every Saturday in the summer and thousands would gather along the beachfront to watch the colorful events.
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Every Thursday night through August, he plays an arena or amphitheater in a smaller market, followed by a stadium concert every Saturday.
And I'm going to come see you every Saturday night, you know.
For six months he spent every Saturday evening with Suresh Hundia, president of the Bombay Bullion Association, to understand the gold market.
Every Saturday morning, I drove with my grandfather to a one-story office building where I learned to type, file and take payments.
The programme runs every Saturday until Sunday afternoon, though activities are season dependent, and is designed for a minimum group size of 20 to 25.
The Portland Saturday Market, an outdoor artists market open every Saturday and Sunday, also receives a thumbs up from several CNN.com readers.
It had become a routine: every Saturday, at around ten-thirty, Martha would arrive and they would sit by the Aga and have long conversations.
Every Saturday and Sunday morning were dedicated to team meetings or class time or office hours with professors or catching up on homework or studying.
We also deliver 100 to 150 boxes of fresh produce free of charge to neighborhood seniors with low incomes every Saturday of the market season.
What IBM did when it decided to go into the personal computer business in 1980 was very similar to what you do every Saturday morning.
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But Henry Gipson told WVTM TV he will not relocate and he invited the city to come out every Saturday night and shut his place down.
An above-the-knee amputee, he can still be found in Central Park every Saturday morning, making people laugh -- and groan -- with his notoriously bad jokes.
My family was loyal to GM growing up and yet, my dad spent every Saturday afternoon on our driveway, fixing the latest thing that went wrong.
From Downington, head west about 70 miles to Harrisburg, the state capital, where the Appalachian Brewing Company hosts free brewery tours every Saturday at 1 pm.
Every Saturday I get a package sent to the house with all kind of materials that I need to be looking over for the upcoming show week.
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It is not clear why it is opposed to the programme, which sees residents of towns and cities engage in activities such as cleaning streets and refurbishing schools every Saturday.
One regular aspect is a protest at the council every Saturday when protesters come from east Belfast, demonstrate outside the city hall and then return on foot in a group.