The UK has entered the competition every year since 1959 and has won on five occasions.
Every year, the town of Avon, Ohio, finds itself in a very sticky situation.
Airbus says air passengers already spend more than 500 million hours in the air unnecessarily every year.
Yet every year, the small Australian country town still pays fervent homage to his music and enduring style.
Every year influenza kills 36, 000 people in the U.S., mostly the very young, very old and very infirm.
The core data systems of the enterprise will just go wacko if things change every year.
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You get the opportunity to revisit this decision every year until you are dead.
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One in five people in Britain die from smoking, more than 115, 000 every year.
What is rarely reported is that worldwide, sharks kill an average of 10 people every year.
Half a billion get the disease every year and more than a million die of it.
More than one million Iranians visit every year, providing a huge boost for Syria's economy.
The Super Bowl is the biggest event that happens every year in the United States.
Tragically, for a few people every year, this results in injury or loss of life.
There are a million or more people who want to come here every year to work.
But every year, there is a guy who just explodes, has, like, really thick sneakers.
And it would more than double the number of permanent employment-based visas issued every year.
Strong demand for smartphones is helping the cellular baseband market grow by impressive rates every year.
The president traditionally delivers the commencement address at one of the military service academies every year.
Every year, unpaid medical treatment accrued from the uninsured costs Americans tens of billions of dollars.
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Since new models are produced every year, more than any other product it represents its time.
Napolitano has said all along she wants to remove illegal immigrants, more and more every year.
In the 1950s and 1960s, when carmakers redesigned models every year, there was plenty of work.
Con Edison has increased shareholder dividends every year for nearly 40 consecutive years.
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Consumers in the United States buy approximately 450 million pairs of jeans every year.
CNN: Happy Birthday, blue jeans! We made you this photo album
Andrews, raise their prices every year, usually in the fall for the next season.
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Around 2.5m tourists visit Pompeii, which sits near the southern city of Naples, every year.
Every year another 5% of the 1.2 million 2-D CAD users in manufacturing migrate to 3-D.
Every year since then, the "Keeling Curve", as it has become known, has squiggled resolutely higher.
Most directly, we have hired Net Impact interns every year to help build the business.
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This contributes about a third of the observed 3mm rise in sea levels every year.
BBC: 'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise