But it does not end there: swords, daggers, flowerpots - everything and anything is fair game.
They will risk everything and anything, time and again, to make a global impact.
Several weeks ago I started contacting everything and anything that moved.
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But one sign that we're "back to normal", I would humbly suggest, might be when we stop being so fascinated by everything and anything about Britain's banks.
The concept of the huge, sprawling conglomerate which owned everything and anything seemingly fell out of favor decades ago, replaced by a search for core brands and core values with branding cohesiveness.
Footballers receive crowd abuse for everything and anything.
CNN: Soccer's last taboo: Why gay players stay in the closet
It also introduced the "Hyatt Has It" program whereby Hyatt hotels stock everything and anything a traveler might have forgotten to pack, from deodorant to humidifiers (and every color of nail polish under the sun).
People see and hear and pass along anything and everything having to do with brands, anything and everything else.
FORBES: It's Not About The CBS Brand, It's About The Katie Couric Brand
Well, certainly in terms of splashing logos, billboards and branding on anything and everything.
Remember the old, and true, market adage: Markets can and will do anything and everything possible to frustrate the largest number of traders.
FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Firmer On Corrective Bounce From Thursday's Losses
Expect a movie or a comic book to explain everything about anything and all you earn is surplus sadness that you don't really need.
No, truth be told, I am an active risk manager and I will sell anything and everything if my rules are violated.
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In the production room for Match of the Day, for years and years Gary Lineker and I would laugh at anything and everything.
Haier had a pretty formidable booth here at CES, so naturally, we had to swing by and cast our eyeballs over anything and everything there.
But given the zeal of global warming alarmists and their media allies to paint anything and everything associated with global warming as a harbinger of doom and gloom, we are unlikely to see even a single news article this spring pointing out how global warming is benefiting plant life as a whole.
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But there's always a trade off - my dear old mum was there, and for me, she always made anything and everything worthwhile.
Marriage withers under easy divorce, subsidized illegitimacy, and the desire among progressives to make it anything and everything.
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Open data initiatives, data marketplaces, definitive data platforms like Factual, commercial data providers, and companies that have valuable data will all try anything and everything.
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Quite what they will be and how bad they will be is a matter for discussion but anything and everything has costs associated with it.
FORBES: The Climate Vulnerable Forum Report: Really Not Very Good At All
It will be the central hub of your online presence and will become the go-to place for people to learn anything and everything about your brand and writing business.
My father served in the U.S. Navy in the early 1950s, and he always said that the captain of the ship was responsible for anything and everything that happened aboard that ship.
Either the machines do everything and we humans have everything without having to do anything.
But the use of fossil fuels also has benefits: as anything and everything has benefits.
FORBES: The Climate Vulnerable Forum Report: Really Not Very Good At All
The answer to which is, well, anything and everything other than working in a factory.
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In the future, users will watch anything and everything by simply commanding a virtual assistant.
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Sophisticated as it may be, your smartphone's microphone is only capable of capturing anything and everything immediately around it.
BBC: Should music fans stop filming gigs on their smartphones?
Conversely, the Fed must do anything and everything to keep interest rates low for years and years.
Anything and everything the Lakers tried to do to flip the size-speed disadvantage only backfired on them.
Cried Ted amidst the billows: "I publicly retract anything and everything I have ever said about inland sailing!"
"We were just doing anything and everything to stay active and keep his mind off it, " Andrea said.