With the enzymes trapped inside the pancreas, the gland becomes inflamed, causing excruciating pain.
Harvard doctors showed in 1992 that through-the-needle ablation could relieve excruciating pain from benign bone tumors.
"I was just sitting down at the table and felt an excruciating pain in my back, " he said.
Debbie Thomason was taken to Northampton General Hospital in May 2011 in "excruciating pain" after she had sneezed.
When it came time to change his bandages, the nurses would rip them off quickly even though this produced excruciating pain.
Chronically untreated cavities can turn into painful abscesses, leading to costly Emergency Room visits and excruciating pain for a preventable problem.
Once, fear of opioid addiction within the medical community meant that people suffering from the excruciating pain of metastatic cancer went untreated.
Obviously, we must do everything we can to improve medical care for the terminally ill and for those who are in excruciating pain.
Advocates of the measure portrayed it as a way to help people suffering from excruciating pain during the last months of a terminal illness.
And the suggestion was - these people are suffering excruciating pain.
His father died in 1990 in excruciating pain from misdiagnosed cancer.
For some, even the slightest touch can produce excruciating pain.
My "routine" outpatient surgery (which was on my butt -- get all your sophomoric jokes out of the way now) went awry and I was in terrible, excruciating pain.
She told the Today programme's Justin Webb that while she was collecting data in the area, she began to have "excruciating pain" with her wisdom teeth and without access to a dentist.
It ranks among the most traumatic experiences in a hospital: Paralyzed by powerful drugs yet aware of everything going on around him, the patient listens helplessly as a surgeon hacks away with scalpels and saws, chatting calmly about golf scores and the kids' soccer games while the patient suffers excruciating pain.
Mr. SAVAGE: Well, about a year ago, the Lancet - the British medical journal - had a study of several doctors, saying that men who have been executed in the United States may well have suffered excruciating pain that was to some degree masked by the anesthesia - that they didn't get enough anesthesias to actually give them a painless death.
At first it seems like a case of severe flu, but then the fever rises, accompanied by headaches, excruciating joint pain, nausea and rashes.
It was just an accidental bang to my arm but the pain was excruciating.
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But the pain was excruciating for both.
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When my husband left me, I was just beginning to adjust, or at least trying to, through the ever present counseling, to my new disability and the excruciating, straight from hell pain I was enduring constantly.
Every day, I carry with me the pain of watching the excruciating death of my sister-in-law, Julie, eighteen years ago.
"The victim's obvious pain and distress is excruciating to watch, " she said.
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From start to finish, it takes two hours, and the pain it causes Rafi is excruciating.