She found that law contains numerous concessions to executive power, such as allowing emergency wiretaps.
Berntsen said that has worked because the leaders get a voice, but not executive power.
He will continue to do what he can administratively through executive power where appropriate.
Iran's parliament lacks executive power but plays a part in choosing next year's presidential contenders.
Although he was never trusted with executive power, he had a knack for memorable cameos.
As things stand, he complained, Iran's president has heavy responsibilities but almost no executive power.
Unusually for Latin America, Colombia has a long tradition of distrust of executive power.
So they included in the Constitution a Congress and a Bill of Rights to curb executive power.
Obama, lacking the charm of Franklin Roosevelt, nevertheless seeks to follow his path in growing executive power.
FORBES: President Obama's Executive Power End Run Around The Constitution
Marketed as executive power toys, the audio quality gave users a sensation not unlike hollering in a hurricane.
There's a reason why the Founding Fathers in America wanted all those checks and balances on executive power.
What happens, ask Mozambicans, if Mr Chissano holds on to executive power but Frelimo loses control of the legislature?
It would be rash at this point to make any predictions of who will actually win that executive power.
The head of it, Tom Ridge, has executive power but no formal spending authority from Congress, as department heads do.
Menem was accused of authoritarianism, as the executive power gained ground at the expense of the legislative and the judiciary.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The meaning of Kirchner's recent defeat
First, Mr Bush is asserting greater executive power, at the expense of other branches of government, than any previous chief executive.
ECONOMIST: A kerfuffle over sacked prosecutors riles the White House
But liberals are now howling about more liberal executive power because this plan would also very modestly reduce the size of government.
Schreier describes a scene familiar to many inheritors of projects: Although TimeGate was responsible for development, the company had no executive power.
FORBES: There's a Reason 'Aliens: Colonial Marines' Looked Bad
According to Goldsmith, Addington was a particularly ferocious proponent of executive power.
By the same token, the Central Bank (Ecuador's Federal Reserve) in charge of monetary policy will be part of the executive power.
But King Mswati III retains executive power and remains above the law.
Most Republicans have dismissed the proposal as a blatant executive power grab that will significantly weaken both the Congress and the minority party.
He too prefers exit over voice (meaning that he thinks that leaving and joining are better constraints on executive power than the ballot box).
If there is no such legal power, adequate laws aimed at curbing such damaging activities should be legislated following proper process and legislative-executive power cooperation.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Peru��s reaction to Venezuelan intervention
"I still think they believe in strong executive power, " Laipson said.
Her views on the death penalty or executive power are unknown.
Thus, there is a great chance here that the political logic of the executive power be reflected in the constitutional and legal logic of the judiciary.
And you also said that, just again, that the President is just trying to protect the constitutionally enshrined power of the executive power to make decisions independently.
He had the legislature hire three constitutional experts, including Harvard's Charles Fried, to argue that the Florida Supreme Court unconstitutionally rewrote Florida law and usurped executive power.
Over in Zimbabwe a constitutional draft had suggested that the presidential term should be limited to 10 years and that executive power should be distributed within a cabinet.