Yet, the following year, Sharif was allowed to go into exile in Saudi Arabia.
Unlike many American players, though, Ibrahim spent many years living in exile from his home country.
After a three-year exile to the East Coast, I came back to San Francisco.
The Cuban government said that their agents had simply kept tabs on violent Cuban-American exile groups.
These were not people sitting on the sidelines, or idling their time away in exile.
He's the former Russian spy who became a Kremlin critic while living in exile in London.
Sherko Abbas, a Kurdish-Syrian exile living in the US heads the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria.
Bhutto was targeted in an Oct. 18 suicide attack during her homecoming from exile.
She's just returned to Basra after six months of exile in Iran and Syria.
Exile (22 Kensington Ave) and Courage My Love (14 Kensington Ave) are two of the best.
Sharif returned to Pakistan last month, ending seven years in exile in Saudi Arabia.
Bhutto returned to Pakistan in October, after eight years in exile in London and Dubai.
He will effectively exile himself from the role, refusing to ever dress up as Napoleon again.
Berezovsky's finances had been in decline in recent years while he was in exile.
That task may fall to General Khalifa Haftar, a longtime exile in the United States.
After eight years in exile, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has returned home.
King Leopold has been in exile in Switzerland since the end of the war.
In 1976, Bishop Abel Muzorewa returned to Rhodesia after two years in exile in Tanzania.
The director, Vadim Perelman, was born in Russia and is a man in exile himself.
Bhutto returned to the country after eight years in self-imposed exile ahead of January parliamentary elections.
Decades of war destroyed many sporting stadiums and pushed athletes into exile or combat.
Had Reagan pursued this strategy in the Philippines, Marcos might never have gone into exile.
The ex-Thai PM returned to his homeland on Thursday after 17 months in exile.
Again, history tugs at consciences: plenty of Spaniards still remember the pain of war and exile.
By contrast, Khaled Meshal, the movement's supreme leader in exile in Syria, says the opposite.
KLA's string-pullers in exile, the Kosovars might just swallow the deal as it stands.
Mr Perez considered standing for president while in exile, but the government barred him.
According to Orellana, Zelaya should have been arrested and prosecuted but not sent into exile.
Three times Ms Forna and her two sisters were sent into exile for their safety.
Former premier Benazir Bhutto, living in self-imposed exile in Britain, is also wanted on several counts.