Along with exotic clothes and loud music, a new word had crossed the Atlantic - teenager.
For those who complain that Bangkok has lost its exotic flavour, Chinatown is the answer.
The park's steep slopes house cliffs, caves, streams, waterfalls and an abundance of native and exotic trees.
In other words, who else might you meet in a hidden, ultra exotic, miles-high Himalayan kingdom?
You may have experience, but they know how to make the new and exotic look easy.
Even companies like utilities--never big on exotic salaries--have begun to embrace the option practice.
More precisely, buy some exotic, expensive funds that take doubled-up short positions in Treasury bonds.
They also were globetrotters who jetted from one exotic locale to another but called London home.
Lots of little, exotic seasonal tastes add up to a zesty kaiseki feast at Sugiyama .
More exotic solutions include flywheel energy storage (converting mechanical to electrical energy, and vice versa).
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They will surely appreciate how an entire exotic culture is channeled into this game.
EXOTIC-SPORTS-CAR entrepreneurs are the world's most optimistic accountants: Enzo Ferrari, Carroll Shelby, Aston Martin's David Brown.
Even more data will be required to explore the question of more "exotic" Higgs particles.
Koa is an exotic hardwood prized for use in furniture and musical instruments such as guitars.
Thanks to modern air travel, these and other exotic diseases threaten to reinvade the West.
There are 10 million people who leave the UK every year for exotic locations.
She's a former exotic dancer turned aspiring Latin rapper who was discovered by Stevie J.
Computer warfare can manifest itself in more exotic forms such as cyber and hacker wars.
The Discover experience can be addictive when each item leads to curious or exotic products.
The actual losses from subprime mortgages and other exotic instruments were large but absorbable.
Actual losses on exotic instruments, moreover, won't come near the value of those subprime mortgages.
I'm sure it will appeal to the European taste for new and exotic delicacies.
For the past decade, she has roved the world doing interesting runs in exotic locales.
So to Germans, Richard Branson is completely exotic, and all the better for that.
And suddenly, growing numbers of home buyers were taking out exotic and risky loans.
And if you're looking for something exotic, Asia is usually on sale as well.
In the northern Chicago suburb of Evanston, Central Street is hardly an exotic locale.
It ignored, for instance, the rise of risky, exotic new financial instruments, primarily credit-default swaps.
Think Tippi Hedren and Grace Kelly with their structured bags but rendered in exotic skin.
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Rare earths are exotic materials used in everything from BlackBerrys to radars to hybrid vehicles.