The exotic species, which is from the wolf spider family, is not deadly but, if bitten, it would leave a bad sting.
BBC: Exotic spider found in Fife fridge
"We are moving organisms and disease and pathogens - all over the planet weeds and other exotic species are proliferating like crazy!"
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Other threats include some 140 exotic species of flora, fish and shellfish that have found their way into the lakes, some via ships' ballast.
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Fruits and vegetables have lost their seasons and have been supplemented by exotic species, and once-scarce foods such as salmon and venison have become more common.
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has banned the importation of Burmese pythons, along with three other exotic snake species and their eggs.
Richard Thomas of Traffic International, an organisation trying to stop the illegal trade in exotic animals, said both species of tortoise involved in this case were incredibly rare.
BBC: Smuggled rare Madagascar tortoises seized in Malaysia
Clinging to trees and windows, looking for a place to rest, huge numbers of exotic harlequin ladybirds easily outnumbered the native species.
Last year's count introduced a few new species to North America, including the exotic purple swamphen, an escapee now breeding in the Florida Everglades.
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Dale's affinity for loud volumes was also influenced by his mountain lion, one of the 40 exotic pets he kept in an effort to preserve rare species.
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Over countless millennia it evolved its own vibrant ecosystem, its volcanic peaks cloaked in deep tropical forests still riot with life: exotic birds, flowers and reptiles, many of these species found nowhere else on the planet.
BBC: Blending of cultures in Mauritius
In 2010, Vera Weisbecker of Cambridge University and a colleague found a correlation between brain size and dependence across 52 different species of marsupials, from familiar ones like kangaroos and opossums to more exotic ones like quokkas.
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