The latter would require congressional approval, as would any expansion of the system.
WSJ: Systemic Gaps Hinder Background Checks for Gun Purchases
And several companies had concept and prototype devices that envisioned digital cameras and global positioning system expansion devices that would fit into the SD card slot.
But the expansion of the system of suspicious activity reports (SARs) is swamping the National Criminal Intelligence Service, the authority responsible for processing and analysing them and then passing them on to prosecutors and police.
However, with support from international organizations, the government set to restructure the education system by introducing laws such as free and compulsory education for children up to age 16, and increased the budgets for school system expansion, human resources development and adult non-formal education programmes.
The Commodore 64 was a closed system without expansion ports and a crummy poke-based version of BASIC that was outdated and stilted.
The employment verification piece would be an expansion of an existing system called E-Verify that's currently voluntary for most employers, though it's mandatory in some states.
By juggling heat, pressure, expansion and compression, the system can generate both high heat and high temperatures.
FORBES: The Most Important Man in Energy Storage? Try Archimedes
The first phase of construction includes early earthwork and concrete foundations for a mill and on-site power plant, expansion of the existing water-supply system, construction and operation of the initial phase of a new tailings facility, and expansion of camp facilities by approximately 6, 600 additional beds for workers.
FORBES: Kinross: Tasiast-Expansion Commitment To Hit $1 Billion By Year-End; Production Set For 2014
The accident prompted Chinese authorities to slow expansion of the bullet-train system.
Thunderbolt provides the path for expansion, and Sonnet's system takes it.
ENGADGET: Sonnet announces RackMac mini Xserver, makes Apple desktop IT life seem more legit
But the new budget office analysis does not include the cost of a proposed expansion of the federally funded Medicaid system for low-income families, a proposal expected to add several hundred billion to the tab.
CNN: New estimate puts health care price tag at $611 billion
And there was a sustained expansion of the higher-education system: the share of working-age adults with a university degree rose from 5% in 1980 to 14% in 1996 and 31% in 2011, a faster increase than in France, Germany or the US. The combination of these policies helped the UK to bridge the GDP-per-capita gap with other leading nations.
In 2006, Massachusetts overhauled its entire health-care system, including a significant expansion of Medicaid.
Late-Monday, Arbitron, said it was delaying the expansion of its new electronic radio ratings system, the Portable People Meter.
He backed Labour's the expansion of Labour's city academy system instead.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron warning to grammar rebels
Late-Monday, Arbitron (nyse: ARB - news - people ), said it was delaying the expansion of its new electronic radio ratings system, the Portable People Meter.
During his tenure voters have approved tax increases for an expansion of the light-rail transport system (2004), a new justice centre (2005), and a voucher programme for pre-school education (2006).
It is true that the Monetary Base, which used to be considered high-powered money because it consists of currency outstanding plus the reserves of the banking system, expands with the expansion of bank reserves.
Their continued expansion since then has pumped liquidity into the system when the Federal Reserve was trying to reduce it.
Our one guiding principle is that we will widen access and opportunity - a system of student support that underpins expansion is fair and is equitable.
Obama would limit deductions for expansion overseas while Romney would impose a territorial system of tax, meaning that the U.S. would not impose a tax on companies operating outside of its borders.
But some physicians are upset by the expansion, saying it will further splinter an already fragmented health care system and therefore harm quality and patient safety.
The Beijing Subway system, the country's oldest, is undergoing an unprecedented expansion ahead of the Summer Olympics.
Musk said the expansion of available spots with connections should eliminate the need for an elaborate reservation system for the Superchargers.
Offerd by conservative Republicans, the alternative plan introduced Wednesday after weeks of hearings and debate on Democratic proposals lacked any expansion of background checks but called for more funding to better enforce the existing system.
About a dozen areas would be considered under Babbitt's proposed system, including Steens Mountain and Soda Mountain in Oregon, an expansion of the Colorado National Monument and the Carrizo plain in California's San Joaquin Valley.
The main difference between the thermoacoustic system and Stirling's original idea is that, instead of using thermal expansion of the working fluid to push the piston, it uses powerful pulses of sound.
ECONOMIST: A more efficient way to make electricity in spacecraft
If the moves in those other states are any indication, collective-bargaining is next in line followed by the expansion of school choice and the injection of more corporate money and influence into the public education system.
FORBES: Minnesota Republicans to Ban Cash for Poor People, Limit Teacher Strikes
Sure, consumers can expand the system's memory with Flash -- the new model allows for internal memory expansion as well, except for the 12GB version -- but that doesn't line up with SCEA's goals in its territory.