In many cases, they refused to have pupils expelled for violence and then reinstated back in their classrooms.
The FSB said another alleged spy, also a third secretary, was caught and expelled in January.
In revenge, he was expelled from Labour, though he was later brought back into the fold.
Two US diplomats had been expelled from the country for spying on Venezuela's military, he added.
He has now been expelled from the Socialist Party for lying about his financial affairs.
In 1939, the League of Nations expelled the Soviet Union for aggression against Finland.
After remaining in your bladder for 15 minutes, the solution is expelled through urination.
The United States has expelled two Venezuelan diplomats, following the expulsion of US attaches from Caracas.
The Mexican constitution states that foreigners may be expelled for any reason and without due process.
On Monday, the US expelled two Venezuelan diplomats following the expulsion of their officials from Caracas.
It was Mr Djindjic's allies in parliament who expelled the 21 DSS deputies on Tuesday.
In May, Strangford assembly member David McNarry was expelled by a UUP disciplinary committee.
Microscopic algae, the earliest living organisms, drew carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and expelled oxygen.
In May 2012, the UUP expelled David McNarry, its assembly member for Strangford.
Iraq expelled U.N. weapons inspectors in 1998, prompting four days of U.S. and British air raids.
The match, and the tournament, was subsequently cancelled and the team expelled from the country.
Since 1998, three congressional deputies have been expelled over corruption allegations, in addition to Mr Estevao.
He left school without qualifications when he was expelled for attacking a teacher with a chair.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Killer's chaotic life laid bare
However, the TUV have said that if he had, he would now have been expelled.
In 1492, when Spain expelled the country's Jews, a refugee brought the book to Italy.
Then they were expelled, by an even greater number of soldiers and riot police.
Around the same time, the Uzbek government expelled a number of Western nongovernmental organizations.
"Other Syrian diplomats, two other diplomats, will be expelled at the same time, " he added.
In 1982, an Israeli military offensive expelled most of the PLO infrastructure from Lebanon.
Each passenger is compared with a watch list of 293, 406 foreign nationals expelled for various reasons.
After the Nazis came to power in 1933, Jews were expelled from the camera clubs.
Meanwhile, Oxford Brookes University has expelled 11 students after an investigation into fake qualifications.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Student fraud hits record level
Mr Abbas has expelled other rivals, such as Muhammad Dahlan, by banning their websites.
Mr Morales expelled the US ambassador in 2008 after accusing him of plotting against his government.
BBC: Bolivia accuses United States of plotting against Morales
Since September, he has been under arrest in Brasilia, having been expelled from Congress.