Dan Becker says it's necessary to take into account the energy expended to produce the fuel.
This would require extra resources expended by your member companies to meet these goals.
Uphill, however, we definitely expended a significantly higher amount of energy with our toothpick-like legs.
Weight gain is driven by two trends: increases in calories consumed and decrease in calories expended.
The researchers discovered that on average kids expended more energy when they participated in the P.
"The Tigers have never lost people and expended munitions at this rate, " says a diplomat.
Other Presidents would have already expended their political capital if they failed to meet their solemn pledges.
Insurers have a remarkably inward-looking focus, with little effort expended to engage regulators, policymakers and others.
But I can say that a great deal of effort is being expended to assist the Japanese.
Much brain-power has been expended trying to match up real-life Long Island locations with those in Fitzgerald's book.
Killing all those programs wasted many billions of dollars that had already been expended on research and development.
FORBES: Pentagon Should Cut Bloated Head Count, Not Weapons Programs
Once initiated, they run on auto-pilot without any effort to optimize the value received for the dollars expended.
There were some efforts expended to hide the true character of these deals.
FORBES: Ernst & Young's $123M Non-Prosecution Agreement Over Tax Shelters: Priceless
Either way, whichever way we go, people will die, resources will be expended.
FORBES: In Which Brad Plumer Asks The Wrong Question About A Carbon Tax
And relatively few governmental resources are expended in this process, since it is the companies themselves that find the miscreants.
More sophisticated gadgets, known as accelerometers, measure the rate at which a person moves and convert this into calories expended.
Having expended considerable effort on "Arrested Development" for more than a decade, Mr. Hurwitz has a lot riding on this regeneration.
Within a career management context, the effort expended involves setting goals that not only improve deficiencies but also that leverage strengths.
FORBES: How To Improve Job Security In Economically Challenging Times
"It might have expended a lot of energy swimming upriver against the flood water, so hopefully it's finding food, " she said.
The problem is that the underlying costs keep rising and there is seemingly little effort being expended to control those costs.
LightSail claims that allows for a much more efficient storage system as energy does not have to be expended reheating the air.
FORBES: Energy Storage Startup LightSail Raises $37.3 Million From Thiel, Gates, Khosla
It is owned by you regardless of where you work, and it need not be expended by the end of the year.
FORBES: Obama Care's Assault on Dr. Carson's Health Savings Accounts (and My Tax Bill)
Respondent expended funds upon employment, but these funds were not directed by Claimant, and should not be deducted from the amounts owed.
It clearly is a technology that recaptures other energy already being expended.
Much ink has been expended contrasting the modus operandi of both men.
Rios expended a lot of energy chasing him, and was not able to land as many big punches as in the first fight.
He expended innumerable little prods and nudges to get the cattle to move in intended directions, and at this he was incredibly successful.
FORBES: The Hoaxer, The Troll And The Running Of The Digital Herd
Since 2006, CDER has expended considerable taxpayer dollars trying to absolve itself of responsibility for this inexplicable error in judgment that cost many lives.
FORBES: Steven Nissen: The Hidden Agenda Behind The FDA's New Avandia Hearings
This is an especially unlikely prospect given the enormous political capital expended by the Clinton Administration in securing this accord in the first place.
This thinking led me to make consistently poor decisions about how I lived, what got my focus, and where my emotional energy was expended.