Expertly cited numerous research studies, sensible conclusions (though radical to our culture)balanced and fair reporting.
Likewise, the streets begin wide and expertly paved, then deteriorate, becoming narrow and uneven.
The pirate captain Black Stache (Christian Borle), a dyslexic prince of darkness, expertly fits the bill.
Now Pete held a lighter to the bowl, circling it expertly with the flame.
People are enjoying the apocalypses in the media, the expertly-engineered products are a thrill to us.
But that was as far as his extraordinary charisma and expertly run campaign could get him.
They flourish in a world they deliberately built for themselves, by expertly altering the rules.
Neal expertly deflected the puck over Rangers goaltender Henrik Lundqvist to put the Penguins up 2-0.
Okrent has expertly restored it in Last Call, and in the process rehabilitated our pop-culture-atrophied cultural memory.
Once smitten, he purchased extravagantly, for pleasure, increasingly expertly, occasionally selling in order to finance further purchases.
The album expertly delivers both a beautiful, melodic calm and a total eruption of emotions and sound.
NPR: Dear and the Headlights: 'I'm Not Crying. You're Not Crying, Are You?
The beer selection is expertly curated, with light options like Reissdorf Kolsh and Weihenstephan served in various sizes.
The book expertly shows the problems that can occur when the lines blur between parent, coach and promoter.
FORBES: 5 Youth Sports Books You Should Read -- Even If You're Not A Parent
The stall is a hive of activity: woks filled with noodles, shrimp and spring onion are expertly tended.
The home side laboured until the 88th minute, when Nish expertly nodded home a cross from Kurtis Byrne.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Scottish Premier | Hibernian 2-0 Aberdeen
Another popular beverage is coconut water, sucked from straws poking out of coconuts, tops hacked off expertly with machetes when ordered.
Colwill expertly weaves flavours with textures to create beautifully balanced dishes, coupled with impeccable presentation and a warm and intimate ambience.
No amount of content marketing, conversation, or other tactic can remedy this problem, no matter how expertly realized.
Villa took the ball on his chest and sent a volley to McGregor's left, which he expertly kept out.
James Fallows raised the issues of high-priced fighters expertly in his book National Defense a couple of years ago.
Galbraith expertly plucks fantastic characters from the history books to pepper his story.
It appeared a harsh decision and Ciaran O'Reilly took full advantage by expertly slamming the penalty to the net.
BBC: Mulgrew's Fermanagh are in the last 12 of the Championship
There was also a tribute in verse delivered expertly by Ian Landles to the "Man that oo ca' Bill".
Expertly costumed historic interpreters mingle with tourists, ready to explain customs, traditions, the conjectures of archaeologists and documentation of historians.
Big news deserves big, bold, immediate moves that break the rules of established convention instead of emulating them, however expertly.
He was punished for it, again by Keane, who lobbed the keeper expertly after Chaouchi flapped at a Damien Duff cross.
BBC: World Cup 2010: Algeria face tough ask after Irish loss
They drink wine and boutique beers (and can discuss them expertly) but only in moderation, and they hardly ever smoke cigarettes.
Mr Williams said that according to a vet who conducted a post-mortem examination they had been expertly skinned, like a rabbit.
Evgeny Nikitin was a properly brutal, slashing Klingsor, and Katarina Dalayman brought controlled passion to Kundry, expertly crafting the seduction scene.