One of the leading exponents of research on these areas is David Hubel, of Harvard University.
Some of the best exponents are in Scandinavia, where the values are already in place.
Salesforce became one of the very best exponents of this approach in the world.
It has since evolved to encompass literature, art and fashion, with its exponents typically dressing in dark clothing.
BBC: Hate crime: Police record attacks on punks, emos and goths
In order to estimate, you had to think about and engage with the math behind exponents and square roots.
Ford gives leading exponents of the New Economy full credit for destroying the old rules of the men's fashion game.
As for the music, while prominent exponents like David Bowie and Roxy Music became highly influential and credible, they left glam behind.
WSJ: Keeping It Glam | 'Glam! 21st Century Factory' at Tate Liverpool
Noyes' approach differed profoundly from Bel Geddes' and from that of other exponents of streamlining such as Raymond Loewy and Henry Dreyfuss.
According to Avivah Wittenberg-Cox and Alison Maitland, two of the most prominent exponents of this position, it is not enough to smash the glass ceiling.
Salesforce became one of the very best exponents in the world.
Although initially used to describe a form of music, it has evolved to encompass literature, art and fashion, with its exponents typically dressing in dark clothing.
Dr Schmidt told the audience of broadcasters and producers that Britain had invented many items but were no longer the world's leading exponents in these fields.
The electric guitar is still seen as a male instrument, despite great exponents in recent years like Nancy Wilson of Heart and Charlotte Hatherley of Ash, she says.
Preach long enough and the Republican hope is that the Democrats will appear as outdated exponents of big government, in hock to the unions and out of touch with the middle class.
Through collaborations with U2's Bono on the single "In A Lifetime" and a series of further album successes they became one of the best-selling exponents of the Celtic music phenomenon the world has seen.
CNN: WorldBeat Spotlight - World's playing along with frenzied fiddlers of Celtic music