The planned burqa ban would forbid the covering of the face even in the street, but not the wearing of an all-over veil that leaves the face exposed.
Ms. Bormann was dressed in an abaya, a loosefitting garment worn by observant Muslim women, leaving only her face exposed, and suggested that women on the prosecution team follow her example.
Cheryl Bormann, a lawyer for Mr. bin Attash, was dressed in an abaya, a loosefitting garment worn by observant Muslim women, leaving only her face exposed, and suggested that women on the prosecution team follow her example.
The ad, which urges men to "end the face torture, " shows the ways a man's face is exposed to harsh elements, such as windburn from a roller coaster, pokes from a child, close shaves, snowballs, even "deserved" slaps.
If Greece has to reschedule its debt it means that the banks exposed to Greece will collectively face a hit of 200 billion euros.
Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian - which exposed the phonehacking scandal in the face of furious and sustained denials from News International - says it's an "incredibly anxious time for journalism, with even the most powerful and professional newspapers clinging on to financial viability".
If Europe's leaders fail to deal with the weaknesses in the single currency exposed by the crisis, the continent could face years of grindingly low growth.
But we do know who society's winners will be: those who are prepared to face Black Swans, to be exposed to them, to recognize them when they show up and to rigorously exploit them.
Almunia stood alone and exposed as a defiant one-man barrier in the face of a barrage of Barcelona attacks as Arsenal were comprehensively ripped to shreds by the quality of the holders' approach play.
But one thing is clear: almost all of the evidence cited by anti-chemical campaigners is based on research linking phthalates to reproductive problems in rodents exposed to dose levels far higher than any human might face.
Washington and Wall Street have bristled at the thought of a bail-out for the bond insurers, though they have also been wary of leaving the municipal bond market exposed to the capital-constrained bond insurers, who face losing their triple-A credit ratings--those who haven't lost them already, that is.
One of the differences between now and the recession of 1990-91 is, on the face of it, that banks are much less exposed to credit risk, thanks to the vast market in corporate debt.
Filin's face and eyes suffered severe burns in the Jan. 17 attack, which exposed a culture of deep intrigue and infighting at the famed theater.