• Despite his expressed need for special security, Specter said heated confrontation is part of the job.

    CNN: Failing to reform health care 'truly scary,' Obama says

  • Mike Hedges expressed the need to continue with sufficient funding for the channel in order for "quality programmes" to be broadcast, such as the children's programme Cyw and coverage of Welsh Premier League Football.

    BBC: Communities committee debate

  • Mike Hedges AM expressed the need to continue with sufficient funding for the channel in order for quality programmes to be broadcast, such as the children's programme Cyw, and coverage of Welsh Premier League Football.

    BBC: TV production gallery

  • Anis Hidayah, executive director of the migrant worker advocacy agency Migrant Care, told CNN that she was pleased with the government's decision to stop sending workers to Saudi Arabia but expressed a need for serious action beyond the creation of task forces given the responsibility of monitoring migrant worker protection overseas.

    CNN: Indonesian migrant worker endured years of abuse

  • Interesting points were raised by the schools, giving those present a clear picture of the challenges that these institutions face: in the light of the recent violence, the University of Nairobi expressed a need for courses in conflict reporting safety, whilst a Mozambican j-school noted the lack of desire on the part of journalists to report from rural areas.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • The research, published in the British Medical Journal, showed some patients expressed a particular need for good communication skills from their doctor.

    BBC: Patients want 'empathy, not drugs'

  • Lastly participants expressed a strong need of creating a global platform for sharing the knowledge and good practices in regard of building green economies and societies.

    UNESCO: Ministers discuss skills for green economies and societies at ECOSOC | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Several justices have already expressed scepticism about the continuing need for the law.

    BBC: US top court hears landmark voting measure challenge

  • While few lawmakers expressed any doubt about the need for Congress to have a plan to reconstitute itself quickly, action on the legislation bogged down when Republicans and Democrats couldn't agree on a solution.

    CNN: House approves bill to replace members after attack

  • But three reservations need to be expressed.

    ECONOMIST: War with Iraq?

  • In regard to education, the Director-General underlined the importance of responding to the need to support the education system expressed by the country, especially in terms of post-primary and higher education and the need to strengthen enrollment of girls at these levels.

    UNESCO: The Director-General meets H.E. Blaise Compaor��, President of the Republic of Burkina Faso | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • One could now argue that what drove Armstrong was a long-held, deep-seated need to win, expressed with singular focus, determination and applied discipline.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • "You can always find a critic, but not one single person involved in this investigation has expressed either formally or informally the need for recusal or the appointment of a special prosecutor, " said Mark Corallo, Ashcroft's chief spokesman.

    CNN: Ashcroft cites progress in CIA leak probe

  • And then it creates a process through the joint committee which will allow for the President and Democrats and others, including a lot of Republicans who have an express -- have this view and have expressed it recently, that we need to take a balanced approach going further as we seek more deficit reduction.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We understand the frustrations that are being expressed, specifically with regard to the need to make sure that Main Street and Wall Street operate by the same set of rules, and the general frustration with the need for jobs and economic growth that creates opportunity for middle-class Americans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Both men "expressed conviction that providing humanitarian aid to Syrians in need is an absolute priority at the current stage, " a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry recounted.

    CNN: Syrian rebels move in on key Damascus neighborhood

  • They expressed concern about a variety of situations and noted the need for the FDA to have a more systematic approach.

    FORBES: The FDA Is Faster. Now Let's Make It Safer

  • The UK has expressed its frustration with the embargo and said it may need more flexibility to respond to events on the ground.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • Lavrov also expressed concerns about chemical weapons' use, but stressed the need for clear facts before any course of action is rashly decided upon.

    NPR: US, Russia Seek To Revive Peace Plan For Syria

  • The President expressed his deep concern over the violence in Bahrain and stressed the need for maximum restraint.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We have obviously expressed our concern about the folly of suggesting that we don't need to raise the debt ceiling and the harm that would be caused if there were a perception created that Congress would not eventually raise the debt ceiling in time.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The 1988 treaty does indeed need an update, but US and Canada along with several EU nations have expressed a strong desire to limit any new policies from impacting how the web is run.

    ENGADGET: House passes unanimous resolution to ban UN regulation of the internet

  • And as one Republican aide points out, in the Senate--which would also need to pass Frank's bill--only a handful of Democrats have expressed drawing on this money to help Detroit.

    FORBES: Automakers

  • But it also suggests that the price of getting one's ideas into the public domain rapidly is a need to keep them continuously revised in order to avoid criticism, however moderately or immoderately expressed.

    ECONOMIST: More on gamma-ray bursts

  • The parameters for such interventions are evidently the subject of considerable controversy, particularly given the need to comply with the EU Treaty and the sensitivities towards any formal program of purchases expressed by central banks from the surplus countries (Germany and possibly Benelux, Finland and Austria), Barclays said.

    FORBES: Barclays Expects 25bp Rate Cut In Europe

  • Our broad posture here is that we understand the frustrations that have been expressed by many Americans in different cities across the country about, broadly speaking, the economy and also about the need for Wall Street to work by the same rules that Main Street works by.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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