Expressions of contempt the unilateral expression in which one side of the mouth turns up. (These were especially evident when Armstrong was discussing the UCI the International Cycling Union).
Then we looked for any spikes, any differences, in the expression pattern from one gene to another.
At Kennesaw State University in Georgia, the Intensive English Program doesn't teach a slang expression until it is in use for more than one generation, says David Johnson, a professor of English and director of the program.
In one of the more improbable pictures taken so far in the war, Slobodan Milosevic his expression caught between piety and extreme unease also appeared holding hands.
We have said from the beginning that we would welcome an expression of support from Congress, in this case similar to the one that has been put forward -- bipartisan one put forward by Senators McCain and Kerry and others.
Actor and director Robert Redford called Ebert "one of the great champions of freedom of artistic expression" in his statement.
These find perhaps their purest expression in the facade, where the simple white pilasters between the arches lead one's attention upward to the slender columns of the tower.
This ill-motivated and superficial attack on 20th-century philosophy contains a nice expression of the lasting intellectual difficulty the church faces in the modern world: the statements, one paragraph apart, that the church has no philosophy of its own but that modern philosophy has fallen into error.
Juan Bonet lifts his wine glass into the sunlight, tilts it to one side and squints into the velvety red liquid with the expression of a man in the grip of a profound pleasure.
To relax one of them, and to make it clear that she needed more dynamic expression in her playing, he sang to her, he conducted flowingly with his hands, he pretended to fall to the stage in mock delight.
And how that expression had come from World War I, because if you lit three cigarettes off one match in your foxhole or trench the enemy in his foxhole or trench had three pins of light to triangulate your location and then he blew up everything or maybe just shot you and your two buddies.
In the past, governments believed that the desire to belong to more than one nation was an expression of disloyalty.
In politics, a dog whistle is a rhetorical device--an oral expression susceptible to two interpretations, one straightforward and one, metaphorically speaking, at a higher frequency.
" As we explained last August: "In politics, a dog whistle is a rhetorical device--an oral expression susceptible to two interpretations, one straightforward and one, metaphorically speaking, at a higher frequency.
And as Richard Hofstadter wrote at one point, that fear is natural in American discourse when people - or is a natural expression in American discourse when people see something threatening their social position or their social situation.
In terms of communicating to the regime, I think that the expression of what we are doing, both as one country and collectively with our international partners, is very clear and loud.