They even require him to appear in a few TV ads at no extra pay.
The drivers want extra pay and a day in lieu for working on 26 December.
If Europeans prefer time on the ski-slopes to extra pay, that seems fair enough.
Both options, of course, cost money: either extra pay or to fund cover during the school day.
He also reshuffled the bonus structure for shipboard staff, setting revenue targets higher before doling out extra pay.
For all the discomforts, the long hours, and no days off, there is an incentive - extra pay.
Rather, the extra pay is linked to the meeting of certain benchmarks for rapid disposal of the assets.
The extra pay was three times more effective in boosting student test scores than spending the same money on teaching materials.
Off-duty bus drivers are visiting depots in London in an open-top bus to demand extra pay for working during the Olympic Games.
First, he took on the teachers' unions by proposing more pay for performance (the unions like the extra pay, but not the strings attached).
This is a mix of performance-based pay and extra pay for working in jobs that are hard to fill and for taking leadership roles.
However, the same proposals ended the members' pension scheme, along with the majority of allowances and extra pay for those serving on departments or committees.
They often have to pay extra charges, pay extra interest where they are defaulting on debts, and they are unable to get access to credit.
Often they do that in a shadow economy -- a place where employers may offer them less than the minimum wage or make them work overtime without extra pay.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform | The White House
What coal miner or assembly-line worker jumps at the offer of overtime when he knows Uncle Sam is going to take sixty percent or more of his extra pay?
FORBES: What Good Are Republicans If They Can't Protect Us From Class Warfare?
They can then put some of their extra pay into a personal pension plan, akin to an American 401(k), which they can take with them if they switch employers.
The Italian wage-bargaining process allows workers to claim for extra pay if inflation turns out to be higher than expected, says Gareth Claase, an economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.
These advancements are reflected not only in laws but also in our culture, including banning child labor, ensuring safe working conditions, setting extra pay for overtime and ensuring trained and skilled workers.
Yes, it is possible for the extra returns to more than pay for these extra costs.
How could anyone insist that not paying such extra would cripple the nation and then not pay that extra voluntarily?
We were banking on this extra money to pay pensions 20, 30 years from now.
Precious metals traders need to pay extra close attention to the U.S. grain futures markets today.
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Ms Jones-Napier says her customers are also happy to pay extra to support the company's values.
And householders generally grumble a lot if they have to pay extra to have their rubbish collected.
Similarly, some parents choose to pay extra to send their kids to private schools over public schools.
Once an account is paid off, take the extra money and pay it towards another credit card.
The boxes came with a 10-year warranty, but Jaffe says you had to pay extra for that.
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If you require a disc containing Windows 8 then you will have to pay extra for this.
Always repay the highest APR loan first, if you have extra money to pay toward your debts.