So we took something that was an eyesore and made it into something beautiful.
The property on West Street in Grimsbury is described by Cherwell District Council as "an eyesore".
The Heymans soap factory had been derelict and an eyesore since production ended in the 1980s.
The old, small turbines were a noisy eyesore because so many of them were needed.
Bonaventure Highway, an elevated eyesore that cuts between Old Montreal and its southwestern neighbour Griffintown, is currently being dismantled.
Councillor Chris Hughes said the town's railway station was an "eyesore" which attracted vandals.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Rail station 'disgrace' - mayor
"It's going to produce more tax dollars than before when it was a vacant eyesore, " he said.
Like everything in Liberia, Hotel Africa is now more an eyesore than a sight for sore eyes.
It stands out more on the black model, however, to the point where it's a bit of an eyesore.
But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.
The firm says there has been local support for the project, and few residents see the turbines as an eyesore.
Rosemary Wright, from the Middleport Community Association, said the land had been an "eyesore" since the renewal scheme had been scrapped.
BBC: Middleport to get 140 new homes in ?18m regeneration scheme
Rob McGhee and Robin Penna, organisers of the "eyesore" campaign, want to stop "unsuitable architecture" being put on important island sites.
"Even those of us who live there agree that it's an eyesore, " said John Moss, chairman of Arlington House Residents' Association.
Mr Hashwani told me he does not want his hotel to be a depressing eyesore in the middle of the capital.
Some residents had also objected to the plans, saying the crematorium would increase traffic congestion in the area and be an "eyesore".
An eyesore: The best sites for wind farms are often remote areas and the turbines spoil the natural beauty of the landscape.
Anna Lo of the Alliance Party said undeveloped and abandoned sites were "not only an eyesore but they also bring health and safety concerns".
Council leader Richard Williams previously called the plant an "enormous eyesore".
Unfortunately, users of HTC's latest smartphones will need to contend with a non-functional settings button, which is an unnecessary eyesore that hogs screen real estate.
ENGADGET: Claystone Launcher 2.0 for Android makes its debut, we go hands-on (video)
The combination of being less of an eyesore and producing less electrical smog should, TenneT hopes, soften objections to the construction of new overhead power lines.
After you vacate your home, the best-case scenario if it remains empty is that it gradually falls into disrepair and becomes an eyesore for your former neighbors.
The public also has shown the desire for the tradition to cease, both because of the physical harm to the bridge and because many view the locks as an eyesore.
Almost 300 letters of objections were sent to the council with people claiming the defences would be an eyesore, "destroying" the Waterside area and causing tourism to decline.
BBC: Permanent flood defences approved for Upton-upon-Severn
People living in the tower block, who describe the flats as an "eyesore", do not want such a large supermarket, which they say will be detrimental to Margate.
Critics have described the bins as unsightly and an eyesore.
Since then the site has been left derelict and many people believe it has become an eyesore which has left some villagers questioning Tesco's plans for the site.
An MoD spokesman described Chelsea as a 1960s eyesore and said a move to the striking location of Woolwich was genuinely good news for the guards people and their families.
BBC: An MoD spokesman said Chelsea Barracks was a 1960s eyesore
Today, the buildings are a largely vacant eyesore flanking Sunset Boulevard, a reminder of the challenges real-estate investors face even as new residents and some development have begun to reverse Hollywood's decline.
WSJ: Hooray for Hollywood! Columbia Square Redevelopment Is Slated
This seemed surprisingly easy, until someone from the County noticed she had removed an old rotting wooden deck from the back of her store that had been a safety issue and an eyesore.