They subsequently located the fugitive laying face down some 15 feet for the attic opening.
The baby bounced off her chest onto the floor, face down and was crying.
CNN: New York woman holding baby falls from 8th floor to her death
It's going to have to be a quiet, perpetual effort to face down this menacing threat.
Yet Mr Fukuda's survival hangs on people taking seriously his promise to face down pork-barrel interests.
The court heard the pair were found floating face down in the water at about 19:30 BST.
"The thing that hits me in the face down here is the heat, " says Mr Tibble.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Taking the heat out of energy costs
But if the majority of companies face down rounds, then venture capital-backed companies in general are having trouble.
But Adel, the thin young student, was there, sitting alone, an open book face down on his lap.
However she may find it more difficult to face down the protesters than some of her ministerial colleagues.
Happ dropped face down at the front of the mound, holding his head with his glove and bare hand.
David Cameron has brought forward the debate in an attempt to face down a backbench rebellion over the issue.
To use the Sleep Cycle app, you set the alarm and lay the iPhone face down on your bed.
Others say it is an organised attempt by criminal gangs to flex their muscles and face down the police.
St-Pierre jumped on him and Diaz was again face down on the mat.
David Knowles from the University devised a frame to support Hor face down, while delicate reshaping work was completed.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.15.12: The ultimate wind machine, Egyptian Lego and the office of our dreams
Mr Bailey was found dead face down in the doorway of the kitchen of his flat a fire investigation revealed.
"I answered the call to a man saying he had found his son face down in water, " said Ms Harrison.
This iron lung can be tipped head down and rotated through 180 degrees so that I am lying face down.
They wanted him to stick to the time-honored straddle method of going over the high bar leg first, face down.
Inside, a television remained where it had been thrown face down on the floor, its wires still connected to a cabinet.
His body was found lying face down off a path 10 days after he disappeared by a man walking his dog.
FORBES: Frightening Facts About Aging Parents in Assisted Living
But that sent a signal, nuanced if not entirely direct, that West Germany should rearm to face down the Soviet threat.
He then laid Mr Holt on the floor face down and removed his handcuffs before attempts were made to clear his airways.
Mr Lubbock, of Harlow, Essex, was found floating face down in the swimming pool at the home of the entertainer in March.
If steel gets its way, it will become harder to face down other powerful domestic protectionists, from textile workers to citrus growers.
It's tempting to remember an exhausted, overcome Michael Jordan falling to the locker room floor in 1996, cradling the basketball, face down, sobbing.
Intelligence officials told CNN-IBN that the captain of the trawler was found dead, lying face down with his hands bound behind his back.
NATO's bombs because they would give him the excuse to face down his own hawks and make concessions that he sees as inevitable.