The developer of a former chemical factory site in Cambridgeshire wants to monitor groundwater levels twice a week instead of daily.
"It is sitting on huge property assets, " he says, including a factory site near Pusan that can be turned into a housing development.
The odour caused by the clean up of a former chemical factory site in Cambridgeshire has not caused a statutory nuisance, investigators say.
Cambridgeshire villagers are to take legal action against a company over a smell caused by clean-up work at a former chemical factory site.
Two potential sites have been identified in Wrexham for a prison, at Kingmoor Park and the former Firestone factory site, both on Wrexham Industrial Estate.
Sainsbury's wants to build what would be one of the region's largest stores on an old factory site in Westfield, between Midsomer Norton and Radstock.
It said a team of specialists, including representatives from Merthyr council and Hoover, had already started a study on how the factory site could be used.
The firm is decontaminating the former Bayer CropScience factory site.
The Orange Order wants to go through Workman Avenue, off the mainly nationalist Springfield Road, but has been ordered by the commission to go though the former Mackies factory site.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Appeals for calm over city parade
Documents recovered from the factory site by labor activists and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show one order for 35, 000 units of boys' polo shirts and girls' leggings for Mango's Autumn-Winter collection.
In early December America signed an agreement with Canada allowing customs officials to inspect factory shipments on site, rather than clog up the borders.
To fund the factory Wilkin and Sons got permission for 118 homes on its current site off Factory Hill and 126 homes on land off nearby Chapel Road.
But the governor ruled out that locale, a former arms factory and a Superfund site, in an analysis last week.
Machinery was stripped out, the factory demolished, the site developed to a design by Renzo Piano, a leading Italian architect, and the Academia Barilla opened in 2004, its basement housing the library.
ECONOMIST: Barilla's cookery library: Food for thought | The
There has been a factory on the Fabian Way site since the 1960s.
Documents recovered from the building site showed the factory received an order from Italy's Benetton Group SpA through an Indian agent in August 2012.
Negre presumes that these franchisees will buy parts, assemble them and sell cars directly to the public from a small showroom on the site of the factory.
The factory is built on the site of the the Redstone Arsenal, which produced the earliest U.S. rockets, including the Saturn V, which took Apollo astronauts to the Moon.
FORBES: Raytheon Opens Up Automated Missile Factory In Alabama
After growing up in the 1960s in Charles City, Iowa, a rural county seat known for its tornadoes and tractor factory (now a vacant site), brothers Charley and Pete Thomson were happy to move on.
FORBES: Buying Main Street: Time To Add Commercial Real Estate To Your Portfolio?
The site of one Daewoo factory near Seoul sits on a piece of land that could be valuable if sold and redeveloped.
Rescue workers stop clearing the site of a collapsed factory building after a soldier says a woman waved her hand at them.
Pre-assembling mounting gear with solar panels at a factory rather than at the job site, as is the typical practice, also will save money, he added.
FORBES: Report: Solar Panel Supply Will Far Exceed Demand Beyond 2012
But planners advised the committee to back the demolition of the building and seven empty terraced homes at the site and approve a factory building and associated development.
BBC: Vicarage demolition in Burlsem backed by council planners
Gemma Cartwright, organiser of the Pride of Longbridge rally, said she would have liked the car to stay on site, where former factory workers are trying to set up a museum.
First it selected Texas--the Big Three's biggest pickup-truck market--as the site for a new truck factory.
Rochdale Council has refused planning permission for 600 homes on the site of a former asbestos factory.
The sanctuary, which is on the site of a former cement factory, plans eventually to get the help of the Kenya Wildlife Service to place Owen with Cleo, a lonely female hippo in a separate enclosure.
All of Kathmandu's taxis are compact, fuel-efficient Maruti cars imported from India. (Fuel shortage or no, Chaudhary prefers to be chauffeur-driven in a gas-guzzling Suzuki SUV to his seven-story group headquarters on the site of a former electronics factory).
In the Sept. 12 issue of Forbes, I write about Blu Homes, a Massachusetts startup that makes green prefab houses that fold up in the factory for shipping and are unfolded on site and bolted to a foundation in a day (see video at end of this post).
FORBES: Blu Homes' Apple Approach to Building Green Prefab Houses
The auto factory Pinault proposed to replace had been a site of labor demonstrations.
FORBES: Why the man who controls Gucci had to have his own museum.