Another worry has been Mr Menem's disappointing failure in his second term to maintain the pace of structural change of his first term.
Markets and economies have seemingly become addicted to bailouts and are completely resistant to the idea of short-term pain or failure in the name of more productive and healthier long-term economic growth.
Rarely addressed in the context of climate change, future population trends could make the difference between success and failure in the long-term balance of human activities, atmosphere, and climate.
But Sackner-Bernstein says that the data seem to support the view that drugs that help acute heart failure symptoms in the short term can do harm in the long term.
While it may seem tempting for deficit-cutters to save money in the near term, the failure to invest in improved and fiscally prudent capabilities, such as UAVs, would be of great detriment to the United States.
In the long term, though, failure to keep budget deficits under control could be costly for the American economy, forcing interest rates higher and weakening the labour market still further.
The second threat is failure to secure the medium-term structural shifts in fiscal positions, in management of the financial sector and in export-dependency, that are needed if a sustained and healthy global recovery is to occur.
The failure to provide the clarifications within this term will result in withdrawal of your CPA license.
In other words, German's short term failure could be Europe's eventual gain, and break banks firmly out of their national corrals - the process has already begin between Spain and Portugal and Germany and Austria.
Mr. Emanuel noted, correctly, that the U.S. largely squandered the opportunity the oil shocks of the 1970s presented to make serious, long-term changes in its energy habits -- a failure that has returned to haunt the nation today.
However, critics argued that these kind of tactics threatened to leave Poland isolated in future EU negotiations and were symptomatic of the PiS-led government's failure more broadly to develop a coherent, long-term strategy in its approach to EU relations.
In fact, a failure to act would have worsened our long-term deficit by assuring weak economic growth for years.
The across-the-board budget reductions, the result of Washington's failure to work out a long-term, deficit-cutting plan in November 2011, essentially shut down some government agencies, though it had a negligible impact on others.
Failure and losing hurt, thus they are recorded for eternity in our long-term memory.
In retrospect, second-term problems resulted more often from the failure to adjust to changed circumstances and unanticipated challenges than from the hubristic pursuit of first-term goals.
WSJ: Unlucky (Lame) Ducks? The Myth of the Presidential Second-Term Curse
Although the committee's sound management has seen lobster catches increase, its failure to restrict fishing rights to those people who have a long-term interest in the existence of the resource threatens to reverse this gain.
ECONOMIST: The Galapagos Islands: Fishermen’s friends? | The
While this venture could not sustain itself in the longer term, I was inspired by the humbling power of failure to teach and considered myself once again lucky to have had another incredible opportunity to grow as a leader.
Outsiders read the failure so far to find a successor to Mr Geelani, whose term as chairman expired in April, as evidence of rifts.
But the failure also ties into the idea that much of Mr Giuliani's second term (in which he promised to sort out the schools) was wasted.
Instead, he called for "a change of culture" in which bank staff were "rewarded for long-term success, not for failure".
Cardinal Bergoglio, however, wanted to talk about the elephant in the room: the long-term future of the church and its recent history of failure.
The biggest bank failure in U.S. history was the 1984 collapse of Continental Illinois, a crisis over which the term "too big to fail" was initially coined.
Making devices for such chronic conditions as heart failure and Parkinson's disease, Medtronic has an obvious interest in finding better ways of managing long-term disease, and making money in the process.
If they fail to strike a deal, post-war Germany's second grand coalition risks going down in history as a failure, for there will be little time to put things right before the end of its term.
ECONOMIST: Doubts are growing about Angela Merkel, at least at home