The result is a list of roads where drivers open their throttles over fairly long distances.
"It was a fairly long and tedious process, " NASA spokesman Kyle Herring said.
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun yesterday carried a fairly long analysis of this question.
Equity arbitrage has cropped up before, for fairly long stretches, in single countries.
"The flight itself was interesting, fairly long, but went extremely well, " Jones, a 51-year-old British balloon flight instructor, said of the 20-day adventure.
"You flow gas from the samples through fairly long tubes that are specifically designed to separate out the different constituents of the gas, " Vasavada said.
If we had evidence in mice that it was fairly long lasting, then I think that's something that we were excited to see, that this was a long lasting effect, the higher of the two doses that we tested.
While this staggering impact was immediate, it also seemed to translate to a fairly significant long-term impact at least in terms of awareness.
FORBES: Why Conan Is The Musician's Best Bet?On Late Night Television
She did leave the city with a fairly substantial long-term debt.
When play restarted, the writing seemed to be on the wall for Pettman when he missed a fairly simple long red but he recovered to take the frame.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | World Snooker | Hendry races to victory
While this business is left with products having relatively lower margins, we expect growth to be fairly stable in the long term.
Managed-money accounts in platinum increased their net-long position fairly sharply.
FORBES: Focus: Speculators Continue To Favor PGM Futures, Options; Modest Interest In Gold -- CFTC
Noting that short-term fiscal balance can be restored fairly easily, while long-term fiscal restructuring will require strong political will and will probably have to wait until after the 2013 elections.
FORBES: Roubini On US Downgrade: Bond Market Revolt Won't Happen
"In the short term there will be price volatility and political backlash, but the long term trend is fairly clear: undertaking reductions now is significantly cheaper than inaction, " says Karmali.
CNN: Banking on carbon trading: Can banks stop climate change?
Another Brown favorite: Fidelity Worldwide (FWWFX), a broadly diversified global growth fund that Brown describes as a fairly conservative fund with a decent long-term record of 16.7% per year on average over the last five years.
No, we don't think this Xbox 360 case mod oddity takes the cake, but it ranks fairly high up there in the long list of mods that are impressive from a technical standpoint, but next to useless from a practicality stance.
ENGADGET: Divineo offers up LCD-infused Xbox 360, practicality in doubt
"A lot of these patients have been involved with a fairly high level of activity for a long time, " Stubbs said.
The astronomy community has a long history of descriptive yet fairly unimaginative names - including the VLA itself, the Very Large Telescope in Chile, and the yet-to-be-built European Extremely Large Telescope (the design for which was chosen over the alternative Overwhelmingly Large Telescope).
So all you now have to do is to guess how many cars will be sold in a given year and, if churn stays fairly constant as it has for a long time, then 46% of the new car sales will translate into new satellite radio subscribers.
FORBES: Sirius Is Still A Buy But Not Because Howard Stern Stayed
The reaction to take-up of the ECB's second long-term refinancing operation was fairly muted.
"In order to get cancer in lab animals you have to feed fairly high levels of the drug over a long term, " said Dr. David Acheson, the FDA's assistant commissioner for food protection.
We knew that there would be repercussions, and my concern is that as these things bring up and we deal with them individually and piecemeal, we're defeating the purpose of trying to get a long-term solution that budgets fairly but makes sure we don't cut any essential services.
Google has been fairly laser focused on growing the business for a long, long time now.
He said as long as the consultation responses were returned fairly quickly the debate would take place in 2012.
What's more, the components of a solution to the immediate euro-zone crisis, long proposed by this newspaper, are fairly well understood.
These investors are counting on a fairly steady return from the fees homeowners pay under their long-term contracts.