But of course, this suggestion, like my suggestion to dump Symbian, will fall on deaf ears.
With respect to a manned, one-way mission to Mars, I suspect such questions will fall on deaf ears.
Unfortunately, this advice might fall on deaf ears, as many of the large-scale land acquisitions take place in countries with very weak governance.
If the prime minister is intent on reviving his career by reviving the mortgage market, however, the hint may fall on deaf ears.
The initial numbers for iPhone 5 pre-sales suggest the ads may fall on deaf ears, or at least ears plugged by Apple headphones.
FORBES: Another Funny Samsung Ad Ridicules Apple iPhone Fans
Arguments to treat Coy with dignity often fall on deaf ears.
But carmakers' efforts to market these cars by focusing on their environmental credentials might fall on deaf ears as cash-strapped car buyers focus firmly on fuel economy instead.
Given that the FCC and DOJ share the responsibility of ensuring competition in the marketplace, it seems unlikely that this latest brief will fall on deaf ears.
"The British asked us to stop talking to the media about rendition, " said my Libyan source - a request he suggested, with a smile, would probably fall on deaf ears.
BBC: UK envoy 'declines apology over Libya rendition claims'
Much as the chaebol bosses gripe that appointing outside directors is costly and risks transferring corporate secrets, their pleas are likely to fall on deaf ears, not least because the same rule already applies to commercial banks.
Accusations from Mr Basyir's dwindling ranks of supporters and other elements on the extreme fringe that she is being un-Islamic by prosecuting Mr Basyir now fall largely on deaf ears.