But when the housing bubble burst last year, the booming Texas economy began to falter.
Company valuations in this space have pushed higher, and surely some will falter along the way.
If her standing is voided and no replacement can be found, the suit could falter.
On the other hand, if the job market were to falter, wage growth would be crimped.
Even so, his father finally let him put studies aside, figuring the venture would soon falter.
Abercrombie and Fitch (ANF) continues to falter after flying high earlier in the year.
But Dell began to falter as other PC makers were able to lower their costs.
Yet many Indian firms still fail to comply with higher standards, so deals falter.
Yet Greece's public-finance problems were brewing long before the rich world's banks started to falter.
This time last year, United began their charge towards the title while Arsenal began to falter.
So Dell is held up as a model of social engagement as its sales falter.
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If we fail to attract and retain the world's top talent, our economy will falter.
If he were so brilliant the first time out why did he then falter?
The run-up has started to falter in recent weeks on concerns that the global economy is slowing.
When in the U.S. or Europe falter, China sees potential weakness in key markets for its goods.
The French President said the euro's member nations could not even consider allowing the currency to falter.
Bad news: the most resilient and powerful economic force--the spending power of U.S. consumers--is beginning to falter.
It could also be very difficult to repeal, especially if economic growth continues to falter by 2012.
If the state intervenes to support the banks, then faith in its currency will falter as well.
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Should their ambitious plans for a new software platform falter, they will have to have a rethink.
In part, these woes reflect fears that China's demand for commodities, and hence commodity prices, will falter.
And with leaders Wolves appearing to falter and Birmingham lacking consistency, Johnson's claims could come to fruition.
Now, if anything, the core needs lower interest rates to make sure its recovery does not falter.
Much of the debates enshrouding breeding and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) falter on the abyss of actual cloning.
Ford Jr. is said to have contacted Ghosn about forming an alliance should the talks with GM falter.
If any quarterly metrics, revenues or gross margins falter even 1 percentage point, players head for the hills.
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If they falter, the market must lose some motive power even in a prolonged low interest rate setting.
In time, though, smaller companies may falter against big institutions with global brands and pan-European ambitions and capabilities.
The public is beginning to realize that there may indeed be blame to assign when pensions falter or fail.
If they falter, a Kansas or a Louisville will do as a replacememt.
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