Phase 4: Cells around the globe fan out and begin to make repeated cash machine withdrawals.
Open it up and the pages fan out into what looks like a paper lantern.
ENGADGET: Lumio desk lamp takes light reading literally (video)
From there, it will be able to fan out and patrol the region from the air.
The rivers too, which fan out from the base of the valley, are home to plenty of wild salmon.
The governor and his cabinet were to fan out around the state Thursday to push the proposal.
He had the Mexican military fan out across the country and fired hundreds of corrupt police officers.
Nine rapiers fan out in a single vitrine, each hilt resembling a richly engraved, swirling abstract sculpture.
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It will start with the city centre and then fan out from there.
The company, under the direction of the team attorney, hired real-estate agents to fan out across the area to secure land.
And from there they are much more likely to fan out across the country rather than crowd into Los Angeles or Houston.
The part of Tampa these activists were about to fan out over was once solidly Republican, now less so, with more independents.
Today Vega's 25 trucks and jeeps fan out across the continent from four coastal distribution centers to a network of village market centers.
Or buy the tracker and then fan out with stock picks, breaking bits off the ETF position to get actual, single stock exposure.
FORBES: QE3 Investment Mantra: Borrow, Buy, Let Ben Do The Rest
Its three sturdy magnesium blades fan out to reveal solar panels.
Armies of salespeople fan out across the cities where Groupon operates, glad-handing small-business owners and convincing them of the opportunities to be found in short-term group discounts.
FORBES: Groupon��an Ordinary Company for a Revolutionary New Era
Its sales teams fan out across cities in search of tie-ups with local merchants, and those deals are then offered to subscribers through their website, emails and smartphone apps.
There's one pretty scary scene where Claire's little girl disappears after a school play, and the cops fan out through the woods looking for her as Claire wails inconsolably.
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But the multinational force, now numbering more than 2, 000 troops, is still way below its final strength of 7, 500 and has yet to fan out through Dili and beyond.
"Even for the midrange titles, there is a fan out there who will come at 10 p.m. on a Thursday evening, " said Richard Fay, president of distribution for Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.
The idea is to fan out across India, beginning in the New Delhi area, via a hub-and-spoke model, relying on smaller, general care hospitals in exurban communities and more specialized centers in larger urban areas.
Nissan's president, Yoshikazu Hanawa, was still the highest-ranking executive, but Ghosn clearly was in control, arriving with 17 Renault managers and having them fan out across the company to challenge the ways it had always operated.
From the air, close to 400 villas fan out into the ocean in the shape of a giant palm tree, much like the Palm in Dubai -- a grandiose development that has been plagued with problems from its inception.
The process will now fan out across the country, with a new series of Regional White House Forums on Health Reform which will be hosted by Governors in their states and will include doctors, patients, policy experts and everybody in between.
Then researchers fan out across the forest measuring the temperature and the humidity of the air (two of the factors that determine how a fire will behave), and recording the amount of woody fuel in the forest and the moisture in that fuel.
The side streets that fan out from it are home to a number of cultural and environmental agencies, including the Royal Film Commission and Wild Jordan -- and in this blossoming street network you get a sense of a new creative national identity sprouting up.
Covering 78 blocks that fan out around Grand Central and up Park Avenue, from East 39th Street to East 57th Street, and from Fifth Avenue as far as Second Avenue, the rezoning proposal was first presented by the Department of City Planning in July 2012 and updated with more details on Feb. 28.
At full bore, however, the fan churns out air speeds between 26 and 30 mph inside the case's sweet spot.
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The Open Graph API, which will take Facebook fan pages out of Facebook without sacrificing these marketing tools is the next logical step.
FORBES: Facebook To Announce Plans To Take Over The Internet With Facebook Pages