Despite, or perhaps because of its far-flung locale, Vanimo is the stuff of surf legend.
Someone who yearns to see, feel, taste and smell the most far-flung corners of the earth?
Of late the Indian stays have lengthened, as he negotiates far-flung cell carriage deals.
The couple eat locally grown food that doesn't have to be transported from far-flung states.
Diamond aims to do a better job of linking Alloy's far-flung businesses through cross-promotions.
Others have showed up to defect in such far-flung locales as Qatar, Fiji, Djibouti and Mauritius.
Fleet, 53, heads trips to far-flung destinations including Costa Rica, New Zealand and Alaska.
High-profile museums are popping up in far-flung places like Bilbao, Spain, and Bentonville, Ark.
Other places have come up with economic, humanitarian, or simply social reasons to make far-flung friends.
Huge, broadly diversified banks are not, on average, any more profitable than less far-flung ones.
Unemployment is only 5.1%, and members of the far-flung Irish diaspora are coming home for jobs.
And he seems not to worry that some of his far-flung ventures defy gravity, if not sanity.
It was where far-flung friends and family members offered their condolences for weeks after the funeral service.
Creating a link between those far-flung craftspeople and urban markets is Fabindia's mission, says the 43-year-old Bissell.
Modi operates what is now a far-flung empire spanning diamond sourcing, and manufacturing to retailing diamond jewelry.
Competitors can now race in heels in far-flung locales including Moscow, Australia and Singapore.
The financial-information mogul's money has swamped the airwaves and filled mailboxes with campaign advertising in far-flung places.
WSJ: New York Mayor Bloomberg Plays Bigger Role on National Stage
They died standing with their friends, doing their jobs, fulfilling some far-flung nearly non-existent notion called duty.
Because the universe is expanding, any wave of light emitted from a far-flung source is stretched out.
"At the moment the BGH is very centrally situated to serve a very far-flung Borders area, " she said.
BBC: Borders hydrotherapy pool move disappoints patient group
And before the advent of mass media, military heroism lent instant fame in a far-flung country, says Chernow.
He uses it extensively to visit Punj's projects in locations as far-flung as Kazakhstan, Libya, Oman and Indonesia.
Pirelli took on big debts to buy these rivals, but found it hard to restructure their far-flung operations.
ECONOMIST: The Europeans stay ahead in a capital-intensive industry
The authors, two Philippine journalists, focus their attention on far-flung corners of Malaysia, Indonesia and their own country.
That, more than any direct trade impact, is the real risk this far-flung crisis poses for America's economy.
Banks, even those that appear to be far-flung in Europe, touch nearly all businesses and individuals around the world.
FORBES: How European Bank Woes Could Wreak Havoc On A Portfolio
With less than five weeks until the election, Joe Negron has to reach voters in eight far-flung Florida counties.
They are all part of the far-flung empire built by Egypt's richest family.
ECONOMIST: Wealthy Egyptian business families venture abroad
This year's unofficial theme was wirelessness--from far-flung satellite broadcasts to home-size 802.11 networks.
In their place came a collection of familiar names from less far-flung locales.