That got me wondering what other financial lessons the author of Celebrity, Inc. might have stumbled across while writing this fascinating book.
As Barry Schwartz explains in his fascinating book, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, there are two types of decision makers.
Throughout this fascinating book, Clifford Pickover invites us to share in the amazing adventures of brilliant, quirky, and passionate people after whom these laws are named.
I've just read a fascinating book about one of the big issues in America which divides the US and most puzzles us British: America's gun laws.
In their fascinating book "Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending, " Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton say there are two ways to get more happiness out of our money.
According to the fascinating book The Female Brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine, the differences between male and female brains are widespread, contributing to significant differences in behavior and perception.
FORBES: The Top 6 Communication Challenges Professional Women Face
Fascinating as the book often is, Mr Ackroyd's real interest sometimes seems to lie elsewhere.
Perhaps the most fascinating portion of the book comes towards the end.
FORBES: Mark Madoff's Unpublished Memoir: 'My Father Has Stolen My Life'
But Stein's book is fascinating (who knew there was an ostrich-feather bubble?) as well as prescient (over-reliance on credit, neglecting to diversify your assets, the belief that a commodity will never, ever lose value--sounds vaguely familiar).
Your book is fascinating, and I have learned a great deal from it, but I am also persuaded by it that, ingenious and appealing as is your proposed end of medicine, it is not the way in which the medical problem is going to be solved.
Although Mr MacKay's conclusions are fascinating, much of his book's appeal lies in its methods.
Sergei Witte was a fascinating man, and this book, based on his memoirs and voluminous reminiscences, will appeal to people here and around the world.
Tim Harford has a fascinating excerpt from his new book available that makes a point that I think deserves being made over and over again.
So he has produced a fascinating, idea-packed book that sets forth five stages of corporate decay, along with some thoughts about how to get back on track.
The digressions that pepper the book are sometimes fascinating.
In the debut issue of a new open access online journal, Euresis, Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and the History of Science at Harvard, offers a fascinating essay on Johannes Kepler and his book Astronomia Nova.
John Mackey, co-author of the imperfect but stimulating new book, Conscious Capitalism, has a fascinating story.
FORBES: Five Take-Aways From Whole Foods CEO John Mackey's Surprising New Book
While researching my book, yesterday I came across a fascinating FBI report from 1970 that was declassified under the Freedom of Information Act in 2009.
Much as one feared, however, their book is splendid because it is full of fascinating detail and analysis, not because it settles anything.
Probably not, though by the lights of 15th-century Europe he was not a particularly bad one, and if Sir Peter muddies what has been till now a fairly spotless reputation, he nevertheless presents a far more fascinating man in a superbly written and thought-provoking book.
While researching my new book Stop Playing Safe, I came upon numerous fascinating studies by neuro-scientists about how our brains work.
FORBES: The Parmenides Fallacy: Are You Ignoring the Cost of Inaction?
This is just so fascinating that you have these kinds of stories interspersed all throughout the book.
" says style guru and "Project Runway" mentor Tim Gunn in his forthcoming book "Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet.
His six-hundred-page book is full of riveting stories, shrewd observations, and fascinating details.
They have just finished several years of research on primary materials - what we'll call stuff - and put it in a book, Sustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open, free to download and fascinating for umpteen reasons.
BBC: Go Figure: Why does every person need 200kg of steel a year?
If you do not believe that Messrs Blair and Brown are the most psychologically fascinating pairing since Victoria and Albert, Bonnie and Clyde or Gabriel and Lucifer, you will not enjoy this book as you are intended to.