But many young people drink alcohol and dress as fashionably as do their Han Chinese counterparts.
Kogi ("meat" in Korean) publicised guerrilla appearances of its fashionably designed truck via Twitter and attracted a flash mob following.
There are many high-end consumer stores here and people (especially youths dress very fashionably and drive expensive cars).
He played the digit-ditty on a variety of fashionably humble instruments, from accordion and ukulele to toy glockenspiel.
WSJ: We Can All Have a Slice of Pi | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten
Now, says the third speaker, a fashionably bald individual who looks like a personal trainer, a word about the guns.
Her night-black hair, fashionably bobbed, was hanging slightly over her face.
Lady Gaga, the official creative director for Polaroid (also not a joke), arrived about 40 minutes fashionably late to her event at the camera company's booth.
Accused of heresy by the Inquisition while visiting the Royal Court in Madrid, the machine, fashionably dressed in silk pantaloons, spent several months in a Spanish prison.
But just having celebrities go to awards shows and be unable to dress fashionably, I think, would disappoint people, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Sophisticated wine bars such as Love, Tilly Devine and 121 BC belie their obscure backstreet locations: both are invitingly narrow, dimly lit, and fashionably fitted out.
The one problem with the S710a form factor is despite the excellent design, the phone is simply a bit too bulky to fit comfortably in fashionably tight pants.
The HD DVD player arena has truly been a whirlwind of late, with prices falling left and right and new entrants showing up fashionably late.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Which HD DVD player should I pick up for the holidays?
The same quotations might lead the reader to believe that he or she is about to be served up another fashionably grim account of childhood deprivation and misery.
The fashionably made-over CEO is running down the hall--toward you!
Fashionably, Mr Roberts believes that a local system based on easily obtainable seasonal foods that do not need to be transported huge distances would form part of a solution.
Ms. Huffman also had to assume the part of herder, to make sure everyone took their seats before the start of a show no easy task, given fashion week's fashionably late crowd.
Geothermal systems are quiet, long lasting and fashionably green.
In order to accommodate all the people clamoring to watch the trial, proceedings were held in the Saal des Atlantiks, a dancehall popular for its swinging music, fashionably known as Stimmung und Schwung.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
While the Lightning Dock can easily be justified by the smaller internal space it will require in the fashionably thing iPhone 5, the pricing of this almost essential peripheral is a tough bit of progress to swallow.
FORBES: How Apple Can Add $25 Of Profit To An iPhone 5 Through The Lightning Dock