Italians of all ages feel a weary fatalism after a decade of almost no economic growth.
Fatalism in the face of the earth's convulsions, however, may no longer be appropriate, for two reasons.
Then complacency that the plan will be met sets in, or fatalism that it cannot be met.
Each tale is marked by tragic fatalism and an explosive fury which tears up its otherwise picturesque imagery.
The gloomy fatalism that has long pervaded most of the developing world is under assault by a new mindset.
War was not caused by the exaggerated fatalism and sentimentality of European cultural pessimism, but it was conditioned by it.
That leaves two options, other than fatalism: to put up better buildings, and to improve planning for responding to disasters.
ECONOMIST: Why the Kashmir earthquake happened and what might be done
Such political fatalism may protect Mr Yadav's base, but it also feeds the follow-the-leader voting his rivals are counting on.
It is the sense of Puritan fatalism that underscores New England life.
He was well-mannered and rather shy, schooled in respect by his Irish mother and reinforced in fatalism by his fervent Catholic faith.
George Costanza expressed this kind of mystical fatalism in a Seinfeld episode, during which he was obsessing about a white discoloration over his lip.
Previous studies have looked at a different kind of fatalism, and that's the idea that if you get cancer, you're going to die from it.
Some of those interviewed expressed a sense of futility and fatalism.
Even worse, the researchers found that such fatalism spilled over into a generalized failure to take preventative measures to control other health problems, particularly heart disease.
But fear of the unknown and resistance to change can be matched by a zen fatalism when it seems that nothing can be done about a situation.
Fatalism, pessimism, cynicism and complacency all support the status quo despite the fact that changes to lifestyle can have profound benefits to health even in the short term.
There is certain fatalism to it all, with the U.S. gradually accepting the hard reality that it can only be driven by events rather than helping to drive them.
When it comes to fatalism about cancer prevention, however, we found the opposite, in fact, that African-American and Hispanic Latino populations were less likely to think that everything causes cancer and that there's nothing they can do about it.