That's the lowest fatality rate since the government started keeping track of those stats in 1992.
The fatality rate for those infected with that strain is about 65%, Hartl said.
Scotland's child fatality rate of 32 per million population was also sixteenth lowest.
Men suffered an on-the-job fatality rate of 5.5 per 100, 000 full-time employees, compared with only 0.6 for women, and accounted for 93% of all deaths.
That would mean a number of deaths: the fatality rate for measles in rich countries is one in somewhere between 2, 500 and 5, 000.
One of the most significant findings of the report was that the fatality rate goes up substantially as speed increases beyond relatively low speeds.
The reported death toll gives the Middle East-based disease a case fatality rate of about 60%, similar to that of the feared H5N1 avian flu.
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Researchers involved in the study said the main reasons for the lower fatality rate in crashes are due to new redesigned front ends of S.U.V.
When the allegations first surfaced, Pfizer had said that the number of deaths in the trial was lower than the overall fatality rate for the meningitis epidemic.
According to the researchers, 20 percent of those taking either high dosages or several of the drugs at once died in a two-year period, an alarmingly high fatality rate.
FORBES: What Is the "July Effect" - And Can It Really Kill You?
Scotland's pedestrian fatality rate of 19 per million population was the sixteenth lowest and similar to those of New Zealand and the USA but slightly worse than the EC average of 18.
Michael Osterholm, of the University of Minnesota, and Donald Henderson, of the University of Pittsburgh, however, argue in Science that H5N1's human-fatality rate means any benefits that might flow from the research are dwarfed by the risks.
We do know that when smallpox has been introduced into populations who have not encountered the virus before, such as what happened during the colonization of the U.S., that smallpox had a much higher fatality rate, certainly exceeding 50 percent.
Dr. Eric Laroche, a World Health Organization official in Harare, said the outbreak has a high fatality rate because sufferers are either not able to reach health centers in time or that the health centers lack the capacity to treat the cases.