Rodents can get in the feed, and their feces can transmit bacteria to the birds.
One of the parasites, Toxoplasma gondii, can infect people, though it's most often found in cat feces.
E. coli O157 lives in the colon and feces of animals and humans.
The disease is transmitted through the infected bird's saliva, nasal secretions or feces.
Then the cows are fed chicken litter containing the feces and potentially prion infected chicken feed from the rendering plant.
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The Sabin vaccine actually helped boost immunity in communities beyond the individual because people shed the weakened virus in their feces.
Parents of a sleepless autistic kid who smears her feces across the kitchen walls may be loath to see that conduct as just-gotta-be-me identity.
In a February report, federal agencies said the genetic material could have been transported by bird feces, fish sampling gear, barges and storm sewers.
Domestic cats are often implicated in the infection of Southern sea otters, the idea being that freshwater runoff is contaminated with their feces (and T. gondii).
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Real-time PCR quantitation of clostridia in feces of autistic children.
Nowhere in The Atlantic article does the author mention the proportion of people infected through contact with cat feces, as compared to those infected from eating raw or undercooked meat.
FORBES: House Cats Said to Lead to Car Crashes, Suicides, and Mental Disorders
Chickens can pass the bacteria to eggs because the eggs leave hens through the same passageway as feces, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service.
So if birds were the source, it seemingly would mean they feasted on carp, flew a long distance and excreted feces within a few hours of when the researchers collected water samples.
It is not known if the Coxsackie B virus grows in the respiratory tract or in the gut -- so no one is sure if it is passed through mucus or feces.
Some people who get salmonella infection become chronic carriers, meaning they continue to excrete the bacteria in their feces or, rarely, urine for a year or more after their signs and symptoms clear up.
Any feces on the exterior of an egg shell poses a food safety threat from potential cross-contamination if, say, a consumer cracks open an egg then proceeds to prepare a salad with those same bacteria-riddled hands.
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Anyone who knows feces from shoe polish about pharmacology knows that two chemically distinct compounds, despite the fact that they interact with a common target, often interact very differently (including not at all) with non-target metabolic and physiological pathways.
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Larry Poret confirmed reports of dire conditions aboard the ship, saying urine and feces streamed in the halls and down walls after toilet facilities failed, soaking the mattress of a friend of his who was sleeping in a hallway.