At the same time, our banks, since they're extremely exposed to housing, they feel better.
"Whenever taxes can be avoided, I feel better, " says new Michigan resident Jazdcyk, 59.
The president knows that talk of green shoots makes people and markets feel better.
Patients began to feel better within two hours and the beneficial effects lasted about a week.
Many executives have told me that they feel better responding to questions than speaking outright.
And they feel better about themselves, have higher self-esteem, and less depression and anxiety.
Just hearing Metallica's "Enter Sandman, " Rivera's introductory music, makes the Yankees and their fans feel better.
He stopped before me, so I will continue and I hope I will feel better tomorrow.
You will feel better and your knowledge and habits will contribute to a healthier nation.
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And only if clients feel better about their own outlook will they remain loyal to you.
He didn't feel better, and by New Year's Day Bryce was in the emergency room.
Nobody is talking in a way to give us confidence and make us feel better.
But by all means, if it makes people feel better, tear the statue down.
Lots of people quit when they feel better, and others quit because they don't feel better.
They feel better about being at work and in turn, improve their interactions with our guests.
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Perhaps investors feel better protected and better informed by some bourses rather than others.
Does it make people feel better who are in the particular area where the camera is?
It sort of lifted something and allowed her to go out and interact and feel better.
Are there changes I can make to my diet to help me feel better?
Michiganders feel better about the prospects for their state and in turn for themselves and their families.
Does anyone out there feel better knowing that Larry Ellison is now the richest man in America?
In places like Australia the big thing is self-esteem, to help young people feel better about themselves.
People who perform well tend to be rewarded better and feel better about themselves and their jobs.
FORBES: Engagement and Performance: Old Wine in a New Bottle
But if customers feel better about Microsoft's increased role, its support partners are not all so optimistic.
President Obama's statements on Iran in his press conference do not make me feel better at all.
Try these tricks to improve your sleep hygiene and you will undoubtedly feel better in the morning!
Another glass of the house red and some grilled eggplant later, and I started to feel better.
We love the spectacle -- we love to amaze at their uniqueness, criticize and feel better about ourselves.
It may make you feel better for a while, but sooner or later the cancer will kill you.
They wrongly believe that humiliating others or their ideas will somehow make them look better, or feel better.
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