He says he felt a traditional scientific paper would not have allowed him to communicate his idea.
An editor of the biggest national daily, the Corriere della Sera, resigned under pressure from the industrial interests behind the paper, who felt it unwise to be critical of the Prime Minister when they needed public financing.
Another boy, 12, said he worked from dawn until 1 a.m. and was so tired he felt sick, according to the paper.
Like all of us, she has humorous idiosyncrasies (leading a technology firm while still using a pen and paper notebook), she has felt like a failure (divorce at a young age) and success has not always come easily (arriving at Harvard feeling woefully unprepared relative to her peers).
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Knowing that, however, perhaps the paper could have produced a story that felt a little less like water carrying?
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Dr Fang had written an article that drew on a paper in Science without, Dr Xiao felt, proper acknowledgment of the original researcher.
He didn't have the time or money to send paper invitations, but he says he felt the digital ones available at the time were lacking.
Although the paper was subsequently accepted by another peer-reviewed journal, Lindzen felt sufficiently mistreated to make the whole correspondence with the PNAS publicly available.
Work on this "prototype" allowed him to figure out technique, layout and technical details like the type of paper (19-by-13-inch watercolor) and writing instruments (felt-tip pens).
Growing up, Alan went to an American school, pledged allegiance to the American flag, felt American in every way -- and he was, except for one: on paper.
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"If you looked at it and felt it you wouldn't be able to spot the difference between it and a sheet of paper, " says Skilhagen.