To get finer about it, Gilder is pure chips, storage, fiber optics and wireless.
Small towns in isolated areas like this sometimes look to fiber optics for salvation.
He was the guy in charge of fiber optics during the telecom run-up and crash.
One day in March 2002 senior researcher Douglas Curry came up with a solution: fiber optics.
Although Amo Houghton is unwilling to promise any miracles, it is clear that his biggest plans involve fiber optics.
Fiber optics is the stuff of which businessmen's (and scientists') dreams are made.
In Brazil, through copper cable-maker Madeco, they own a majority of fiber optics and copper cable maker Ficap.
Its most recent crash, a result of relying on fiber optics during the telecom bust, was its most painful.
For 25 years high costs had confined fiber optics to handling long-haul tasks.
Like most great breakthroughs, fiber optics rest on a simple enough idea.
Photoelectric cells and lasers, nuclear power and fiber optics, space travel, and even semiconductors all trace back to his theories.
Even though it's running below 20% capacity, the company is adding parts, including routers, fiber optics and a faster wireless network.
It aims to wire up buildings, at no charge, with the ultimate broadband pipeline--fiber optics--as a platform for selling additional services.
The next ten years could be spectacular, as speedy fiber optics zip ever more fat files across a honeycomb of networks.
In other NYC news, we covered an underground park in the Big Apple which is to be illuminated entirely by fiber optics.
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That's well and good, but the future is going to judge Amo Houghton by how well he exploits Corning's present advantage in fiber optics.
Verizon has been replacing high-maintenance portions of its residential copper network with fiber optics to provide enhanced services and to reduce ongoing repair costs.
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It is also a vital component of high-voltage wires, magnetic coatings for high-density hard disk drives, fiber optics, fiberglass, catalytic converters and spark plugs.
Instead of lagging the world in this critical area, we would quickly lead it, just as we did with microchips, fiber optics and--until recently--the Internet.
Take an old telephone company: The CEO knows that his future lies with fiber optics and the Internet, not with copper wires and circuit switches.
In lay terms, it could allow increased bandwidth for fiber optics, and since it's built on-chip, integration with existing doodads shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
To explain what Corning has--or may have in fiber optics--FORBES will have to step out of character for several hundred words and do a bit of science reporting.
This advance in the realm of medicine comes, oddly enough, from the digital world of fiber optics and laser printers, courtesy of engineers and scientists at Xerox Corp.
Communications capacity on fiber optics will double every 6 months.
And it's resulted in an efflorescence of creativity and computer architectures, because everything now has to run at the speed of fiber optics, which is the speed of light.
He uses an improbable combination of green algae, blue lasers, gene therapy and fiber optics to map neural circuits deep inside the brain with a precision that has never been possible before.
Mark Nicholls, the founder and chief executive of Sportexe, the number two maker of artificial turf in the NFL, has patented the process of "tufting" fiber optics with blades of plastic grass.
Its 25 people include a PhD in Electrical Engineering who is an expert on fiber optics, an aerospace engineer, and a computer scientist with a string of entrepreneurial successes in his wake.
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At the same time, the current helium shortage calls for creativity to ensure that this resource is available for its many critical uses across the commercial, medical, electronic, fiber optics and defense industries.